Friday, April 2, 2010


adek @ 27 weeks

adek @ 32weeks

pejam celik, pejam celik kejap jer dah masuk trimester ke3 and i'm making my way to the 35th week with adek... adek should make his/her head down and engage as we're not that far from delivery... another approximately 5weeks.. might be earlier, or might be a bit late like rayyan onichan who's 6days overdue. he did enjoy his trip with mommy inside there where you're right now.and it's nice to still be able to feel your kicks, lunges and stretchings in there.. the best part is, you always react & give responses whenever we call you...

like most moms said, different pregnancy gives differents experience. i felt the same way too..
between adek & rayyan onichan..
  1. adek lebih aktif dan lebih byk bergerak berbanding rayyan.
  2. mommy felt less energetic compare to the 1st pregnancy(sbb umur ke?)
  3. mommy experienced bad vaginal discharge with adek
  4. masa dgn rayyan, mommy had a terrible leg cramps but with adek instead i experienced stomach cramps biasanya malam waktu tidur
  5. 1st pregnancy i never had any early low abdominal pain(except during labour of course), but this time i did.
  6. i ate a lot masa dgn rayyan, tp dgn adek selera kureng... berat pon naik segan2 jer
  1. i experienced bad flu during early pregnancy during both pregnancy
  2. xde mabuk2, xde mengidam anything in certain alhamdulilllah sgt2

mungkin ada beberapa lagi point yg mommy tak teringat skg nih... apa yg paling penting, mommy bersyukur sgt2 sbb both pregnancy run smoothly without any complication so far dan berharap urusan kelahiran adek juga akan dipermudahkan oleh-Nya. skg nih tgh risau masa dlm pantang nnti,siapa nk jaga mommy & rayyan. my in laws are going to Japan on my due date..  probably won't be there to help me take care of rayyan. walaupon dah ada maid baru, rayyan masih lagi dlm proses menyesuaikan diri... as far as i can see, this time is better than the previous maid...alhamdulillah... i can take care of myself during confinement with the help of my maid but rayyan? dia masih xnak mandi dgn bibik baru... both in laws are not around, hubby have to work(kalau kerajaan best laa, dpt cuti seminggu kalau bini bersalin,kan2?). my MIL almost canceled her trip and give the free ticket to my bro in law,tp dia gi HK lak.. kebetulan semua org takde... haiyo! kena la import my sis from BP camni...

by the way, we've made our mind on names to be given to adek.. both for boy & girl. :D


kew_chop said...

dah nak masuk 35 weeks?? walla cepatnya..
cam dpt tahu jek sex adik dari gambar scan tu. hihi
gambatte mommy, semoga dipermudahkan semuanya, Aminn..

mysara said...

wahh,murni..hebatnyer bole teka gender adek dr gmbr scan nih..mai selalu blur2 jer tgk..xpaham,which is which..hehehe... kita tgk nnti...

Fith said...

haa dah ada ek nama for both,fith tengok2 tp tak jumpa pun yg agak2 berkenan,susah aih nak cari nama ni kan,hehe.

psl rayyan tu,biasa laa kan,semua mak pun risau benda yg takpe mai,insyaAllah dia akan ok.budak2 ni pandai,diorg tau bawa diri ikut keadaan.mcm rafiqh dulu,dah laa ayah dia takde,dia kenal family fith pun baru sebulan,tp dia boleh bertoleransi.rayyan nanti pun mesti faham.semoga semuanya berjln baik ye mai...

mysara said...

thanx fith,hopefully rayyan boleh sesuaikan diri sbg onichan bila dah dpt adek nnti...

nama adek tu,jenuh jugak nak cari esp utk yg alhamdulillah,dah kettei! ;)