my baby arrived safely yesterday from s'pore.alhamdulillah! God, how i miss his mulut becok... i can;t remember when he starts talking so much that now i think he's always asking this and that that makes me feel more excited with his vocab.some vocab we don't even teach him... i guess rayyan is a bit late to start talking like he really understand something, but i don't really mind people saying his late on that. like i mentioned before, i let him flow with his own pace. infact, it makes me eager to learn that he remembers the word i tot him.. like when i used to teach him to say 'thank you' everythime he receives something... he used to keep quiet and tend to not say the words eventhough we urge him to say so... but out of nowhere, one day he said 'thank you', and only God knows how i felt... now, we don't even have to force him to giving thanks anymore...that's a good progress enough.. now, the word he refused to say is,'sorry'... well, i guess it may be like the thanking case..he's just not ready to use the word yet.. amidst that, he talks about things around him very fondly. especially, things related to cranes, fish, water, colours, transportation, animals ect. maybe it's true what they say, boys lambat cakap... they kept the words, put them in their HD and only use them when their ready... that's why, when they start talking, you'll be surprise of just much words they know actually... cute huh??
anyway, yesterday i enjoyed my company with rayyan. basically, he do all they questioning or mentioning things around him, and i just love the look on his face with his cute reply like,'yeke?', 'oo..merah'.. and that self-satisfied smirks on his face... priceless!!
can;t wait to this coming CNY holiday.. hubby is no longer working till late nights(although he still have to stay overtime for 1~2hours everyday), we had 4days to ourselves just the 3 of us... i've already booked a hotel somewhere not-so-very-down south to spend time spoiling ourselves...
these are some pictures taken during farewell dinner for Sugiyama sensei, Toda sensei & Yoshikawa sensei at Bukit Ampang somewhere last january...
Rayyan & mommy
among the guest

the 'killer-pose'

that eyes~ owhh :D

Rayyan & OP chan

amboi2... doko ikuno?

kemengantukkan.. ini lah tpt dia suka landing.. my tummy..
adek kat dlm akan give respond everytime rayyan do that.. :)

OP & her signature *peace*

macam-macam rayyan

the scenery that nite
the AAJ troopers

boy memang ckp lambat kan. zayyan pun tak dpt sebut apa2 lagi. comelnya rayyan landing atas peyyot itu.. very ensem mehh anak kamu!!
haah..ramai gk org kata camtu.boy lmbt xper,nnti dah ckp tak terlayan..hik3
besnya hero dia dh balik. baru la dia rajin skit nak update blog ek? ;)
toda sensei balik nihon ka? atau kheja tempat lain?
toda sensei balik nihon terus... sedey!! she's the best here.seronok keje dgn dia..lps nih dgn boss baru, taktau la camne gaya..
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