helllooos... how's holiday? as for me, rasa seronoknyer holiday kali nih... bersenang2 di rumah, spending time with my heroes and jalan2 amek gmbr. 4days off n dapur xberasap pon. mmg betul2 memanjakan diri.we just wanted to do all the fun things just the 3 of us... on 14th feb, we went to visit my mil's best friends house and rayyan got many2 angpow... suker la dia... ntah berapa byk limau masuk perut...hik2. tp seronok sbb dpt meraikan sama2 cny rather than duduk rumah jer... kami 3beranak nih mmg xpandai duduk diam2 kat rumah. sebenarnya, ada byk benda nak cerita.pasal adek's progress,mommy's progress(yg xberapa nk ada), pasal cite avatar(suker!!) n beberapa topik lain yg asek kena pending.maklumlah, tiap kali nk tulis new entry mesti kena spend at least an hour.huhuh.. kagum org boleh update blog tiap2 hari.mesti idea derang mencurah2 n pandai buat ayat.nih nk karang satu ayat pon kena pk lama...
the highlight of our holiday was a brief stay at avilion admiral cove,PD . well, it was just for 1 night and like i told you'll before, we were'nt gonna travel far for the time being as yours truly tidak kelaratan. booking was made a week before CNY, peak season price & availability was limited. lucky me, we got a great view room. my long awaited family trip for the last 3months was at last granted. it was my treat for hubby after his long 'work!work!work-no-life-working hours' season has finally ended(i hope). and as cny fall on the same day as valentines day.. i can say that this is my 'cinta-kasih-sayang-gift' for you. hik3.. let me review about the hotel. there are 2 avilions in PD.. one is Avilion Port Dickson & another one is Avilion Admiral Cove(AAC).. they are quite near from each other but the one in PD was nicer i think... google it for more info if you're interested. the distance from our home to the hotel was not even 90km.without toll.and can reach there within an hour & a half.we arrived early.haven't had lunch n malas nk redah trafik sesak keluar.so, we decided to have lunch there at their Trader's Food Shop. well, the view from the restaurant was nice... as u can see boats parking from your table and the wide open sea.but, to tell the truth the service was poor. food lambat sampai, hubby ordered mee goreng special which arrived something like mee goreng mamak...sampaikan we assumed derang keluar gi beli kat luar sbb lmbt sgt.. agak masin dah tidak nampak apa sepcialnyer. i ordered soto ayam which they served like soto ayam yg xcukup sifat...or adakah soto ayam kat N9 mmg mcm tu tatau laa.. yg dihidangkan adalah sup, nasi impit beberapa potong, suhun(aiyak,xreti eja), ayam siat2 n kacang melambak... no taugeh, no daun sup,no bawang goreng, no original soto soup.. sbg penggemar masakan johor especially soto, wajiblah daku mengomel dek melihatkan soto ayam berharga rm15 berwajah seperti itu... tp, oleh sbb mood bercutiku sgt baik, malas nk cite panjang.but as reference for those who're looking forward to stay there, xyah la makan kat situ... i chose a deluxe room.the room was fine.. biasalah bilik hotel.there is a sliding door that divides the bed and the tv space... the best part was the view. i didn't put high hope to get such nice view as i booked late n well, it was peak season.we can see the boats that are parked nearby the swimming pool, the swimming pool as well, the tower, the apartments, the bungalows & of course the wide open sea with tiny coconut trees. it was with no doubt a serene view... after admiring the room & view, solat,golek2 bertiga sambil tgk star movies si kecik dah panas kaki nk lompat pool.at 5 baru gerak. we just took picture by the beach... pantai tak berapa memanggil utk kami terjun.hehehe... lps snap2, terus ke pool. atuk rayyan & pak cu nyer pon dtg sekali... tp xstay bermalam. malam tu, we had dinner outside the hotel. pergi ke restoran biasa2 seafood tepi jalan. mmg meriah sungguh area batu 4 tu... banyak org n lampu2... mungkin sbb musim cuti, restoran nih pon serve lambat.lps dinner, kami ke spring hill. sibblings my mil berkumpul.rasa mcm raya pulak.rayyan siap dpt duit angpow dr pakcik dia.makan2, gosip2, borak2 sampai pkl 1 baru sampai kat hotel. rayyan tak tido sepanjang hari eventhough dok berendam dlm kolam 2jam.pkl 12mlm tu baru dia lena. esoknyer, kami bgn awal except rayyan. keletihan la tu... pkl 930 baru berjaya kejutkan dia bgn.geletek,garu2, tarik jari kaki semua tak jalan.mmg pengsan habis.last2 dukung terus bawa ke balkoni, bg dia cahaya matahari.. bila dia sedar buka mata, terus tunjuk kat dia swimming pool.huhuh...baru bgn. had breakfast and rayyan sempat lagi nk terjun pool. kali nih, mak dia tak larat dah..duk tepi kolam, bg sokongan jer sambil ambil gmbr. boleh dia tanya mak dia,"tak nak mandi?" hahaha.. org dah mandi awal2 pagi lagi... sabar jer laa..

kenapakah tiba2 gaya sopan ini?
tunggu..dan tunggu..punyer tunggu...
xlama lagi kena order air utk dia sorang nmpknyer
ini tatau peace sign gaya negara mana
we're not going to swim here, yer sayangg
atuk & pakcu also joined us that evening
on our way home... "mana boat rayyan xsampai2 nih"
"ooppss, mana rayyan ada boat..blom beli lagi..he3"
Rayyan & papa.. Rayyan mmg suka ikut apa papa dia buat
my heroes
we checked out at 12:20pm and headed straight home.sampai rumah pkl 2 camtu.tiga2 pengsan.
for dinner, we went to sushi zanmai @ sunway pyramid.
sekian laporan cuti kami!
(kan dah kata, penuh gambar)
anak papa!! sweet..
alahai my,dah nak masuk 30weeks kan,tp kecik comel aje perut tu,hehe...
wah syoknya dia.., lepas nie boleh cuti ber empat pulak yer..
mmg anak papa.. cara cakap pon mcm papa dia..
perut nih nmpk kecik..tp org kat dalam tu bukan main aktifnyer..kalah abg rayyan dia dulu... mlm td, sibuk rayyan bercakap, dia pon sibuk dok bg respon kat dlm... sampai geli perut dibuatnyer..
dgn rayyan nih pon rasa xmenang tangan.kalau tambah lagi satu camne gaya la pulak.kena minta tips dr ko la nnti...hik3
mai nmpak cengkung sgt..do take the greatest care of yourself, mama!
yeke chiput? tu laa,rasa camtu jugak. tp alhamdulillah, so far sihat & adek pon junchou.hopefully, selamat dipermudahkan sehingga hari adek lahir nnti... doakan mai ek :)
wah bestnye pemandangan....aritu germ br suggest gi PD balik ni.参考になりました~ heheh...insyaAllah nnt jumpa kt msia bln 5,can't wait to meet Adek in person hehe :) take care
ko balik msia may ke? igtkan mac nih.baru nk ajak ryokou sesama...aku dah start nk wat plan for next trip utk kita2.huhuh
btw, PD ok laa..tp pantai dia xberapa cantek.kalau nk pergi lepak,ok kot.lgpon,dekat jer ngan kl... balik nnti calling2 tau
mai..buat plan pegi pd..sebab aku blom penah sampai pd lagi neh..
aku baru jer g pd..xmoh aa situ lagi..xbyk tpt leh gi.pantai pon maa..maa.. kita naik utara sket laa..;)
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