after i wrote my previous post(meluahkan perasaan), i decided to give myself some credit and have some time to myself. i purposely stay back the day before to settle the exam questions and went back after 8pm... after class, as usually friday lunch hour starts at 12pm ~245pm... meaning more time to eat n a good chance for those looking to have lunch outside. i quickly print out my exam questions, put some cute notes on it and left it on toda sensei's table.manage to met the students for final reminder before the big soubetsukai dinner gala the next day... around 130pm.. i went straight to my car, thinking that i might not return to office back and called emir saying i need to do some shopping.. i did cried on the phone because i'm not feeling well, felt like fever and the flu is annoying me plus i'm sooo damn tired...but i really need to do something for myself... decided to go to OU all by myself...that was my 1st attempt going there alone... i did it.. i manage to find a good place to park, and the traffic wasn't so bad... first, i get myself n adek some nice sandwich at O'Briens together with strawberry+orange freshly blend juice...sedappp !! it's a good start.then i went wandering around the new wing looking for things that i might need.end up buying a blouse for emirr @ topman, a big ring for 2morrow's dinner @ forever21, a mug from starbucks that i've been eyeing before, a pair of indoor cute shoes,and some clothes from FOS, shoes from padini... when the clock shows 4pm, i know i must make my way home soon, to avoid bad traffic.. on my way, i remebered i haven't bought the gift for the student award 2morrow i make a brief stop at ioi mall n went straight to jusco to buy a nice carved parker pen with myself so contact lenses..berzaman dah tak pakai...mata asek itchy utk dinner tu, kena la, i reached home at 6pm.there u go, a girl who's not feeling well doing some therapy shopping for herself...

this boy at the same time pegi outstation ke kuala selangor dgn umminyer...
this picture was taken when we all had choc fondue at home...sibuk amek gmbr dia,lupa snap choc fondue yg cute tu... inila apek kecik bermisai coklat...

yes,shopping is always be a good therapy!best kan...
amboi2 sedapnya apek kecik ni makan chocolate,habis comot!
ingatkn nak post entry psl soubetsukai,syashin mitai naa,hehe.
take care
fith,mmg teringin nk citer pasal pictures xdpt lagi..pic digicam mai sume hampeh..tungguuu ek..
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