hari ini saya sgt gumbira sbb en suami dipaksa cuti oleh HR kilang dia... sbb last week dia keje straight a week including sabtu ahad, di mana ia adalah melanggar akta buruh negara... tp yg tak berapa bes, saya pulak ada kelas pkl 8pg, dan meeting pkl 3ptg nnti.lps tu baru boleh meluangkan masa bersama.tp xpe, lunch friday kan lama... boleh la saya lunch sepuas2nya dgn dua cinta hati saya... weehuu!!
tajuk entry harini, soubetsukai 2010(majlis perpisahan 2010) utk batch 27.tahun nih dress code nyer "merah,hitam & putih" formal.itu adalah idea yours truly..hik3... cantek pulak bila amek gmbr... so, mls cite pjg2..let's cuci mata... owh, btw pictures are courtesy of photographer of the nite,kak KB & gmbr cilok dr zoraida sensei... ;)
really2 love the decorations...

Mr & Mrs Izmir

mak buyung sesat..cari meja..hik3

with Toda sensei.. 戸田先生は今年の3月日本に帰る。さびしいね。。

jamila sensei, zoraida sensei, maisarah sensei & fazian sensei

with the beautiful girls

student2 yg bergaya sakan sampai tak kenal sape

zoraida sensei with prince & princess of the nite

Language Teachers

the happy rabu-rabu couple

the students

performance- silat

performance- kurik kundi dance

above:enka karaoke song by Jamila sensei & ambassador of Japan
below: life band - song:haruka

with Yoshikawa sensei..(sensei feveret)

giving away award(remember the parker pen i bought??)

big man of the nite,nazrul(2nd from left) &
the woman with 6th sense,his wife syana(1st from right)

At last,keluar gak entry ni,hehe...
amboi,cantik2 semuanya,bergaya sakan gakusei,kalah sensei-tachi,hehe...
biasalah fith..sama jer masa zaman kita dulu... tp skg nih derang lagi advance.. terasa dah gap umur nyer...eh2, tp kita masih muda dlm jiwa,kan3?
wah cam best je sobet tahun nih..
teringat ptg tu dlm kul 6.30ptg ada org call tanya aku free tak utk cover sobet...hehehe
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