sorry for the 'zero' update like i promised early yesterday.apparently, it really was a tight-scheduled day. no time to get into my blogging world. sempat menjengah blog orang jer... right now,the clock shows 11:55pm.both my heroes already sailing in their dreams...sweet dreams u two!
still digging for ideas to write. lately, we're too busy with work and our new Home-Sweet-Home preparations.
so,let's talk about our new HSH a bit.
This is soon to be our teratak.we bought it around Jun 2007 and alhamdulillah dapat kunci pada bulan februari 2009 seperti dijanjikan.

a lot need to be, HSH is undergoing some is done.grill mmg dah pasang awal2.sekarang tgh buat plaster ceiling and wiring...just a minor one. my FIL yg beriya2 suruh buat before we move in.kalau ikut saya ni, xyah nk plaster2,sono mama de ii, sebagai anak menantu yg taat, patik turutkan saja laa... menurut kontraktor maybe boleh siap before puasa.lps dah siap tu,plan nak tukar warna cat dinding.. i'm excited about it but skg dah pening nk pilih warna pulak. bini nk kaler nih, laki nk kaler tu.. kita wat belang2 laaa...huhuh. utk warna, blom masuk meeting lagi..insyaAllah decision will be made after kedua2 pihak mencapai kata sepakat. as for the furniture and electric appliances... mmg sakit kepala n sakit poket. maklumlah, selama balik dr Jepun mmg terus duduk dgn in laws, barang2 rumah yg besar2 tu mmg xdelah...peti ais, mesin basuh bagai tu..kerusi meja pon sama laa..jadinyer, bila nk masuk rumah baru nih...huhuhu, lenguh segala sendi fikir.. tp alhamdulillah, peti ais, mesin basuh, tv,periuk nasi dah selamat kami beli.water filter luar & dalam rumah pulak sponsored by my beloved MIL.couch pon dah beli..isinyer bulu itik mmg kimochiii..langsir pon dah selamat beli masa Jusco Day aritu.sgt berbaloi2.. cuma rm180++ for 5sliding doors siap lining sekali..70% off. carpet idaman pon dah disambar semalam.ini pon selepas survey byk2 tpt..dr nilai 3 sampai la ke ikea...akhirnya IOI mall jd pilihan...huhuh..bought from Home's red and it's our dream carpet.ahahah..
segala mak nenek benda kecik2 yg penting tp blom nmpk lagi kepentingannya..kemudian nnti insyaAllah.bukan nk pindah masuk terus pon..pindah 'lepak2 style' .. absolutely no rushing.kalau boleh nk masuk barang sikit2 sebelum raya. maklumlah, bilik kami yg sekarang nih dah sendat dgn brg2 mommy especially. kotak2 yg bawa balik dr jepun 2tahun lps pon ada yg xbukak lagi due to space constraints.therefore,baju2 mommy dlm tu pon ada yg tak bukak lagi..sbb masa balik dr jepun tgh sarat pregnant with rayyan.baju yg petite sume sumbat dlm kotak sampai skg tak nampak bayang. nk bukak, daddy malas nk korek store room yg penuh barang,terkubur la baju2 mommy dah 2thn.uish3, 2 tahun dah??
no, we didn't plan to celebrate raya with new house this year... like i mentioned before mmg lepak2 jer nk masuk rumah baru..ala2, malas nk pindah. it's not easy moving to a new house although at the same time it is very2 tempting as well...with all brand new environment, the all-mine property, with more privacy and spaces for the 3 of us and soooo soo much more looking forward things to be listed. i'm visualising me in the kitchen cooking our meal,while rayyan running freely around the wide spacious living hall...and my emir watching his favourite channel on his new 42inch plasma screen... owhhh, how can we not be rushing??
because we're gonna miss a lot of things here too.especially me.i'm used to sharing things with my it tudung,kasut,brooch..tak beshnyerr kalau pindah nnti.i bet for the first few weeks or months, we're gonna be going back and forth from our HSH n my in law's...just to get use to the new life. but then again, both home are just a few miles away,10-15mins by car is not that far rite??
ok,i'll post more pictures tomorrow,'s hard to make these kind of promises these days.most of HSH pix are in the office's computer... got to get some beauty sleep now.another hectic day awaits me tomorrow. jya ne!!
1st floor
2nd floor.. 
designed by daddy.he loves it when someone gives credit about his grill...
the view.depan rumah kami xde rumah,takde la terhad pemandangan...and more privacy i can say... pintu masuk utama n master bedroom mengadap arah matahari terbit. feng shui kata orang china... huuhuh..

Cantiknya rumah.bestnya dah boleh duk umah sendiri,ii ne...
tenkyu fith...inysaAllah,nnti fith balik sini plan nk wat umah sendiri kan? itu lagi besh! boleh design sendiri.. :D
wah.., dah nak pindah eh..! selamat berpindah.., rasekan lah penatnya..! aku pun baru lepas sebulan lebih pindah rumah..! tak hilang lagi penat..! ehehehehe.., mesti suke budak kecik tue..!
ko dah pindah eh..buat la entry pasal rumah baru :D ko tu jgn wat keje berat2 sgt..jaga adik amsyar dlm perut tu ... huhuhu ;)
besnyee ada own house.. kitorang ni bilaa la lagi ni. kat mana ek ? (better email kot sbb kojinjouhou. hehe)
wahh mai congrats!!bestnya nak dudok umah baru:)
alhamdulillah..xper cik yam..slow..survey2 dulu.dekat dgn area rumah skg jugak..bakal berjiran dgn puan syana..hehehe
tq yott.. :D nnti jemputlah dtg yer..
bestnya settle down, dok rumah baru!
buleh decorate ikut suka hati!
mmg best boleh decorate fulussnya...huhuh..skg nih sume ribu2..seram dgr.kitorang buat simple2 jer..mana yg perlu dulu
besh nyee..urayamashii..bile la nk ade rumah sendiri ni??
nnti k.azah balik cni boleh la beli satu..xlama dah kan??
haah cntik grill tu. bestnya dh ada rmh sndiri. haih bila la nk blk for good ni hehe
sure ada org yg seronok baca komenmu..huhuh.ha ah la ina, bila nk balik for good ni?? hehehe..
wah fren..;p
besaunya umah..tahniah2..
leh buat asrama pekerja...kekeke
hall nyer sajer dah leh wat main badminton...
kalau susah2 sgt nak pilih color, suh rayyan san jer pilih, kira suara majority penduduk malaysia lah..:p
zaheerah chan;
wahh..lamanyer tak dgr berita.genki? kalau senang2nnti,jemputlah dtg main badminton :p
suruh rayyan pilih colour ek..bagus gak idea tu..nnti kita tgk dia pilih kaler apa... :)
wah tahniah.
tak sangka plak knaf baru gi tgk umah ni last week...hehehe
tapi gemilang2..
tapi tak beli area situ kot, jauh benor ngan ofis.
tapi cantik2 umah tu..
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