~Rayyan is 2years 3weeks 2days old~

The event took place last friday nite(14th August 2009) at a very nice spot called The Look Out Point, Ampang...suggested by zoraida sensei..tq sensei! tempat itu mmg romanchik! lps nih boleh la dating kat sini pulak..
this dinner was arranged prior to K. Fuza leaving us for her 6months study in Japan starting this coming september...
k.fuza, benkyou mo, asobi mo ganbatte kaettekite ne!
jya,enjoy the pictures!
picture of the month... tq K.KB.. bukan senang nak capture rayyan smiling like this..suke!!
sebelum menjamu selera..kita jamu mata dulu...posing bersama jurukamera of the event..K.KB and housemate-nya, K.Aida
kami bersama yang diraikan K.Fuza

Zoraida sensei with husband & OP tomeyy
Rayyan yg kepenatan
makan time..it's western nite
the sweet couple...suka la gambar korang nih! mcm gmbr pengantin posing
OP and her "peace"

the night view

boleh tahan sejuk jugak mlm tu..lucky thing rayyan pakai jaket

look at rayyan's face..muncung panjang..huhuh
(sila buat2 xnampak jerawatku itu)

look at the scenery at the back...gorgeous rite?
Rayyan yg mula nak ramah bila nk balik

at the lobby waiting for our 'limo's

ini la rupanyer orang dah ngantuk..xcukup kepala nk garu..
semua gambar adalah hasil tangan K.KB.. jouzu da ne! :D
mai,kirim salam kak fuza & kak kb:)
insyaAllah... ;)
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