Tuesday, August 25, 2009

~ Raya, Impian dan Rayyan~

ucapan salam perantauan tahun lepas.. tahun lepas puasa kat jepun...
rayyan was 1year 1month young
beraya di Alor Gajah tahun lepas...
chubbynyer pipi rayyan masa ni.. mana hilangnyer segala isi pipi itu?
alhamdulillah...dah masuk hari ke-4 ramadhan... walaupun,ramadhan baru masuk hari ke-4, masing mesti dah sibuk dgn persiapan menyambut syawal.beli baju raya, kuih raya, langsir raya, perabut raya mcm2 la yg kita boleh letak ~raya kat belakangnya...mcm mai, kasut raya la tgh dok main dlm kepala..walaupon ada sepasang heels hitam yg sudah disambar dr C&K seminggu sebelum puasa dulu dgn alasan bg kat suami, "awk,ni kasut raya saya tau.."..sudah ku sarung kasut itu ke tpt kerja sbb xsabar nk try test..hehehe...so,kasut tu dah xleh la pakai nama kasut raya(alasan2) baju raya dah beli..tp tahun nih tema kami warna kelabu-hitam-biru gelap.sebabnya, beli baju melayu emir dulu kat bp masa balik kampung aritu..alang2 dah jumpa yg berkenan di hati..warna, jenis kain n cutting..si isteri pon meracun suami utk beli..sampaikan utk adik n bapaknyer sekali pon saya belikan...derang bertiga baju sama.warna silver gelap. utk mommy rayyan pulak, beli baju hitam putih kat jalan mesjid india.. sama dgn ummi n noyang rayyan..jadi kami bertiga sepasang.untuk rayyan, this is the tricky part... nk tempah mcm dah tak sempat.lgpon,tgk harga baju yg dah ready made lagi murah2.cuma rm39.90 jer...cari punyer cari, baju melayu utk budak umur 2tahun xde warna hitam...kelabu pon tarak... so,mommy decide on blue.. blue+greyish colour..boleh la tu,sipi2 ngan warna baju mommy & daddy.hihihi...kalau thn lepas baju raya kami masing2 2pasang..thn nih sepasang jer..mommy 2pasang(jerr).. ntah kenapa xde nafsu nk beli baju raya.(sbb nafsu dah pergi kat kasut..hahah) sepanjang bulan ramadhan ni, jadual kelas belah petang berubah sikit..kelas terakhir habis pkl 5:15ptg..sebagai kemudahan utk umat islam balik awal utk buat persediaan berbuka.. kalau xde kelas last period tu, boleh la cabut awal.dah 2hari ni,berjaya dtg awal gi opis.lps sahur tu mmg xtido, terus siap2 gi keje...645pg dah kuar...rekod tu! bukan senang nk suruh mommy keluar pg2 buta...alhamdulillah,jln ok je,xde jam sgt..pkl 715 sampai ofis.kalau biasa,mahu sejam baru sampai... insyaAllah,azam nk istiqamah datang awal sepanjang bulan puasa ni.. sambil2 boleh update blog...hehehe.. owh,yeah... sebelum terlupa...mommy nk amek kesempatan mengucapkan tahniah utk geng imfeen+geng blogger, auntie fith sbb dah selamat melahirkan bb raziqh 30hb julai yg lalu..dah basi kot ek berita nih,tp nk wish jugak! huhuh... bila geng ibu2 yg ada anak sebaya rayyan dah dpt bb lagi satu atau on the way nk dpt bb lagi satu... hmm..dlm hati ni,ada la jugak perasaan NAK... sbb bila tgk bb org yg baru lahir tu, comell,gebu,rasa geramnyerrr.. nk jugak! walaupon kadang2 bila tgk muka rayyan tu, rasa mcm belum puas lagi main dgn dia... rasa 1tahun 8bulan gambaru dgn breastfeeding..pumping session everything.mcm cepatnyer dia dah besar.. bercakap jer belum lancar lagi... tingkah laku semua menunjukkan dia dah besar... makan pon suap sendiri.. n dah boleh disuruh buat benda2 mudah... mcm amekkan barang,pakai kasut sendiri(blom pass lagi,tp boleh laa).. kesian gak bila tgk dia duduk rumah main sorang..asek dgn bibik dia. kalau ada adik,xde la dia boring kot ek... boleh dia belek2 adik dia kalau bosan... insyaAllah,kalau diberi rezeki.semuanya kerja Allah.what i'm trying to say is, insyaAllah kami dah bersedia utk menambah seorang lagi ahli dalam keluarga kami...ehehehe..cepat ke lambat,kami redha... things about rayyan these days;
  1. FISH: kalau jumpa ikan,bukan main excited..be it on tv,pictures or anything...benda yg related dgn fish pon dia tahu.. kalau nmpk air pancut pon kata "fish" ..actually,he made it sound like "tiff"....dah byk kali betulkan sebutan dia,but lidah dia lom bole terima 'fish' lagi..so,it's gonna be 'tiff' for a while.since he loves fish so much,been thinking to but him an aquarium and put some fishes inside...ok ke?
  2. CRANE: remember, i've wrote before that he loves cranes...kalau bawa jalan2 naik kereta,mata dia melilau dok cari cranes...gud thing la kl nih melambak cranes sana sini dgn constructions...meriah bukan main kalau nampak crane... and not like 'tiff', rayyan can perfectly pronounce 'crane'
  3. CAT: another animal that has been his addiction.harimau pon cat, lion pon cat, pernah tu, kuda pon dia kata cat..i think semua haiwan yg boleh lari,kaki empat tu falls under 'cat' category for him...
  4. BALLOON: belon buih yg main tiup2 tu mmg kegemaran rayyan.the problem is, dia suka nk main pecah2kan belon tu,tp xnak tiup sendirik.jenuhlah my maid, or me yg selalu jadi mangsa kena tiupkan utk dia... every evening, he'll ask for his 'fuuuu'..yeap, that's what he called it.. ' bik, nak fuuu '..
  5. LANGLANG: actually it is a japanese kids song, titled "RIKKU RIKKU RAN".he used to hear this songs over n over again at one time until everytime he wants to listen to it, he'll just have to say 'langlang' and we'll know what he wants. but, later when we open the same song when he said 'langlang' he don't wanna hear it... instead, when we play other songs he'll sit straight listening to songs that he likes.only later i realized that 'langlang' doesnt't resembles that japanese song anymore... it means 'computer'!! skg nih kalau nmpk batang hidung mommy@ daddy dia balik keje, the first word he said is 'langlang'...(sbb bibik tak reti bukak laptop)
  6. TOM TOM BAK: i think not only rayyan but most kids loves this tv shows by aznil.i personally myself enjoy watching it sometimes..but rayyan, is aznil no.1 fan. tak tau sejak bile he develope that shows of interest but nowadays, he often says tom tom bak everytime he saw aznil on the tv.the worst thing is when he requested to watch tom tom bak walaupon xde dlm rancangan hari tu.siap berebut remote dgn atuk dia nk tukar chanel.atuk pon tak mau mengalah..tgk drama indon.sajer nk menyakat.bila nampak iklan tom tom bak tu, dia boleh ikut sekali gaya tangan tu.cute!! but his addiction towards aznil becomes worse when he also watch macam2 aznil & jgn lupa lirik just because aznil is in it..urghhh... this is what happen when kids watch too much tv(hate it!!)

sebenarnya nk letak gambar masa jalan2 dgn aunti naz+uncle bashir+auntie ida(rayyan's baby sitter FC) masa sblm posa aritu, tp each time bukak photoshop dgn miss pinky,tunggu nak save jer mommy bole sempat terlelap...so, tunggu la bila2 nnti...

Friday, August 21, 2009

Marhaban Ya Ramadhan

~Rayyan is 2years 3weeks 5days old~
picture credit to uncle Bashir
salam ramadhan buat semua geng blogger and sesiapa saja yg menjadi stalker blog yg serba kurang ini... pemilik blog dan keluarga ingin memohon ampun dan maaf sekiranya sepanjang menjadi penulis(pe'merapu') tegar di sini ada salah dan silap,terkasar kata atau tersalah info etc...harap dimaafkan...yg baik adalah ilham dr Allah SWT dan yg buruk itu adalah atas kelemahan saya sendiri... bersyukurnya saya kerana dpt bertemu ramadhan pada tahun ini sekali lagi...
salam ramadhan;

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

AAJ small family dinner

~Rayyan is 2years 3weeks 2days old~
The event took place last friday nite(14th August 2009) at a very nice spot called The Look Out Point, Ampang...suggested by zoraida sensei..tq sensei! tempat itu mmg romanchik! lps nih boleh la dating kat sini pulak..
this dinner was arranged prior to K. Fuza leaving us for her 6months study in Japan starting this coming september...
k.fuza, benkyou mo, asobi mo ganbatte kaettekite ne!
jya,enjoy the pictures!
picture of the month... tq K.KB.. bukan senang nak capture rayyan smiling like this..suke!!
sebelum menjamu selera..kita jamu mata dulu...posing bersama jurukamera of the event..K.KB and housemate-nya, K.Aida
kami bersama yang diraikan K.Fuza
Zoraida sensei with husband & OP tomeyy

Rayyan yg kepenatan

makan time..it's western nite

the sweet couple...suka la gambar korang nih! mcm gmbr pengantin posing

OP and her "peace"
the night view boleh tahan sejuk jugak mlm tu..lucky thing rayyan pakai jaket
look at rayyan's face..muncung panjang..huhuh (sila buat2 xnampak jerawatku itu)
look at the scenery at the back...gorgeous rite?
Rayyan yg mula nak ramah bila nk balik
at the lobby waiting for our 'limo's ini la rupanyer orang dah ngantuk..xcukup kepala nk garu..
semua gambar adalah hasil tangan K.KB.. jouzu da ne! :D

Thursday, August 13, 2009

"Home Sweet Home" it is...

sorry for the 'zero' update like i promised early yesterday.apparently, it really was a tight-scheduled day. no time to get into my blogging world. sempat menjengah blog orang jer... right now,the clock shows 11:55pm.both my heroes already sailing in their dreams...sweet dreams u two! still digging for ideas to write. lately, we're too busy with work and our new Home-Sweet-Home preparations. so,let's talk about our new HSH a bit.
This is soon to be our teratak.we bought it around Jun 2007 and alhamdulillah dapat kunci pada bulan februari 2009 seperti dijanjikan.
a lot need to be done...now, HSH is undergoing some renovation.kitchen is done.grill mmg dah pasang awal2.sekarang tgh buat plaster ceiling and wiring...just a minor one. my FIL yg beriya2 suruh buat before we move in.kalau ikut saya ni, xyah nk plaster2,sono mama de ii tomo.tp, sebagai anak menantu yg taat, patik turutkan saja laa... menurut kontraktor maybe boleh siap before puasa.lps dah siap tu,plan nak tukar warna cat dinding.. i'm excited about it but skg dah pening nk pilih warna pulak. bini nk kaler nih, laki nk kaler tu.. kita wat belang2 laaa...huhuh. utk warna, blom masuk meeting lagi..insyaAllah decision will be made after kedua2 pihak mencapai kata sepakat. as for the furniture and electric appliances... mmg sakit kepala n sakit poket. maklumlah, selama balik dr Jepun mmg terus duduk dgn in laws, barang2 rumah yg besar2 tu mmg xdelah...peti ais, mesin basuh bagai tu..kerusi meja pon sama laa..jadinyer, bila nk masuk rumah baru nih...huhuhu, lenguh segala sendi fikir.. tp alhamdulillah, peti ais, mesin basuh, tv,periuk nasi dah selamat kami beli.water filter luar & dalam rumah pulak sponsored by my beloved MIL.couch pon dah beli..isinyer bulu itik datte..hahahah...tp mmg kimochiii..langsir pon dah selamat beli masa Jusco Day aritu.sgt berbaloi2.. cuma rm180++ for 5sliding doors siap lining sekali..70% off. carpet idaman pon dah disambar semalam.ini pon selepas survey byk2 tpt..dr nilai 3 sampai la ke ikea...akhirnya IOI mall jd pilihan...huhuh..bought from Home Harmony.it's red and it's our dream carpet.ahahah.. segala mak nenek benda kecik2 yg penting tp blom nmpk lagi kepentingannya..kemudian nnti insyaAllah.bukan nk pindah masuk terus pon..pindah 'lepak2 style' .. absolutely no rushing.kalau boleh nk masuk barang sikit2 sebelum raya. maklumlah, bilik kami yg sekarang nih dah sendat dgn brg2 mommy especially. kotak2 yg bawa balik dr jepun 2tahun lps pon ada yg xbukak lagi due to space constraints.therefore,baju2 mommy dlm tu pon ada yg tak bukak lagi..sbb masa balik dr jepun tgh sarat pregnant with rayyan.baju yg petite sume sumbat dlm kotak sampai skg tak nampak bayang. nk bukak, daddy malas nk korek store room yg penuh barang tu..so,terkubur la baju2 mommy dah 2thn.uish3, 2 tahun dah?? no, we didn't plan to celebrate raya with new house this year... like i mentioned before mmg lepak2 jer nk masuk rumah baru..ala2, malas nk pindah. it's not easy moving to a new house although at the same time it is very2 tempting as well...with all brand new environment, the all-mine property, with more privacy and spaces for the 3 of us and soooo soo much more looking forward things to be listed. i'm visualising me in the kitchen cooking our meal,while rayyan running freely around the wide spacious living hall...and my emir watching his favourite channel on his new 42inch plasma screen... owhhh, how can we not be rushing?? because we're gonna miss a lot of things here too.especially me.i'm used to sharing things with my MIL..be it tudung,kasut,brooch..tak beshnyerr kalau pindah nnti.i bet for the first few weeks or months, we're gonna be going back and forth from our HSH n my in law's...just to get use to the new life. but then again, both home are just a few miles away,10-15mins by car is not that far rite?? ok,i'll post more pictures tomorrow,insyaAllah.it's hard to make these kind of promises these days.most of HSH pix are in the office's computer... got to get some beauty sleep now.another hectic day awaits me tomorrow. jya ne!!

1st floor

2nd floor..

designed by daddy.he loves it when someone gives credit about his grill...

the view.depan rumah kami xde rumah lain...so,takde la terhad pemandangan...and more privacy i can say... pintu masuk utama n master bedroom mengadap arah matahari terbit. feng shui kata orang china... huuhuh..

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

stay tune!! ececehhh

although my schedule is scheduled to be full today...ehehe..i plan to write something by the end of the day..but don't really have anything specific in mind what to write about...maybe regarding;
  1. new home sweet home
  2. rayyan
  3. latest dekigoto
  4. work
  5. any idea??

ok..got to go..nicchoku dah sampai... mata ne~

Friday, August 7, 2009

Japanese Language Proficiency Test 2009

gambar selingan..Rayyan+auntie Naz tido berjemaah
on our way home shopping for rayyan's birthday party
To those who've been asking me about the exam and want to sit for the exam this year, here's the details;
The 2009 Japanese Language Proficiency Test 2009
Kuala Lumpur test centre :
The Japanese Language Society of Malaysia
42-2B, 2nd Floor
Jalan Sultan Ismail
50250 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: (03) 2144 1180/2180
Fax:(03) 2144 7180
Test centres also available in Ipoh, Penang & Kota Kinabalu
(please refer to the website for address)
Test fees:
Level 1 - RM 60
Level 2 - RM 60
Level 3 - RM 50
Level 4 - RM 50
(cheaper compare kalau amek exam kat Japan.dulu amek Level 1 kena dlm 6000yen(lebih kurang RM200)..knp kat msia lagi murah..bukka ka na?)
Registration Procedures;
  1. 2 recent photographs (3cm x 3cm passport-sized)
  2. application must be accompanied by a photocopy of the applicant's I/C or passport
  3. to order an application form by mail, enclose an AR Register Sticker (cost RM1.70p/copy) and a stamp. For bulk orders, please contact the respective test center.
  4. for outstation cheques, include bank charges of 0.03% or 50sen whichever is higher.

Application period;

Aug 24 - Sept 11, 2009

Application form: Rm5.00 per copy Closing Date;

Sept 11, 2009

Application forms are available from Aug 1, 2009 at any of the mentioned test centres

all completed application must reach the respective test centres(where you wish to take the test) by September 11, 2009

for further inquiries do visit http://www.jlpt.jp/

to those who're planning to take the exam, gambarou!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Last week on saturday,balik kampung batu pahat.dah 3bulan lebih tak balik jenguk mak.alhamdulillah, mak sihat.sampai tgh hari tu,mak dah siap masak mkn tgh hari utk kitorang. rayyan pon dah xtakut dgn atuk(my mom).qaseh pon seronok main dgn rayyan.same goes with rayyan. rayyan treat qaseh macam adik.pandai kongsi mainan, kalau dia makan something,he'll offer it too. qaseh pulak, on the other hand, buli rayyan. dicakar, ditolaknyer rayyan...huhuhu..badan je kecik tp boleh tahan anak dara sorang tu. but,i'm just glad they could get along well... sambil2 tu kami sempat ke BP Mall yg jaraknyer hanya sekangkang kera dr rumah.niat di hati nk beli hadiah utk wedding emir's cousin and tambah belikan baju raya utk qaseh, tp end up tershopping utk diri sendirik jugak. beli baju melayu utk emir, abah n my BIL.. katanya nak tema sama warna tahun ni...dapat jugak akhirnya,sbb nk cari saiz abah susah sket. maklumlah, tang perut tu... hihihi..lps nih,me n my MIL pulak kena gi baju kurung hunting b4 puasa for the same theme colour. lepas tu kannnn...
emir bought this...satu set dgn shower gel & deodorant sekali. perfume raya kononnya..xperla,last time dia dpt perfume was a birthday present which was 2years ago i think...
and he bought this for me too... this month's treat!walaupon perfume bininyer berderet atas meja solek.
tapi kannn...i've been eyeing this masa mama ngan abah shopping jam derang... i takut nk beli, nk minta restu encik suami dulu...ayang,i want it for raya boleh tak??