- FISH: kalau jumpa ikan,bukan main excited..be it on tv,pictures or anything...benda yg related dgn fish pon dia tahu.. kalau nmpk air pancut pon kata "fish" ..actually,he made it sound like "tiff"....dah byk kali betulkan sebutan dia,but lidah dia lom bole terima 'fish' lagi..so,it's gonna be 'tiff' for a while.since he loves fish so much,been thinking to but him an aquarium and put some fishes inside...ok ke?
- CRANE: remember, i've wrote before that he loves cranes...kalau bawa jalan2 naik kereta,mata dia melilau dok cari cranes...gud thing la kl nih melambak cranes sana sini dgn constructions...meriah bukan main kalau nampak crane... and not like 'tiff', rayyan can perfectly pronounce 'crane'
- CAT: another animal that has been his addiction.harimau pon cat, lion pon cat, pernah tu, kuda pon dia kata cat..i think semua haiwan yg boleh lari,kaki empat tu falls under 'cat' category for him...
- BALLOON: belon buih yg main tiup2 tu mmg kegemaran rayyan.the problem is, dia suka nk main pecah2kan belon tu,tp xnak tiup sendirik.jenuhlah my maid, or me yg selalu jadi mangsa kena tiupkan utk dia... every evening, he'll ask for his 'fuuuu'..yeap, that's what he called it.. ' bik, nak fuuu '..
- LANGLANG: actually it is a japanese kids song, titled "RIKKU RIKKU RAN".he used to hear this songs over n over again at one time until everytime he wants to listen to it, he'll just have to say 'langlang' and we'll know what he wants. but, later when we open the same song when he said 'langlang' he don't wanna hear it... instead, when we play other songs he'll sit straight listening to songs that he likes.only later i realized that 'langlang' doesnt't resembles that japanese song anymore... it means 'computer'!! skg nih kalau nmpk batang hidung mommy@ daddy dia balik keje, the first word he said is 'langlang'...(sbb bibik tak reti bukak laptop)
- TOM TOM BAK: i think not only rayyan but most kids loves this tv shows by aznil.i personally myself enjoy watching it sometimes..but rayyan, is aznil no.1 fan. tak tau sejak bile he develope that shows of interest but nowadays, he often says tom tom bak everytime he saw aznil on the tv.the worst thing is when he requested to watch tom tom bak walaupon xde dlm rancangan hari tu.siap berebut remote dgn atuk dia nk tukar chanel.atuk pon tak mau mengalah..tgk drama indon.sajer nk menyakat.bila nampak iklan tom tom bak tu, dia boleh ikut sekali gaya tangan tu.cute!! but his addiction towards aznil becomes worse when he also watch macam2 aznil & jgn lupa lirik just because aznil is in it..urghhh... this is what happen when kids watch too much tv(hate it!!)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
~ Raya, Impian dan Rayyan~
Friday, August 21, 2009
Marhaban Ya Ramadhan
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
AAJ small family dinner
makan time..it's western nite
the sweet couple...suka la gambar korang nih! mcm gmbr pengantin posing
Thursday, August 13, 2009
"Home Sweet Home" it is...
1st floor
2nd floor..
designed by daddy.he loves it when someone gives credit about his grill...
the view.depan rumah kami xde rumah lain...so,takde la terhad pemandangan...and more privacy i can say... pintu masuk utama n master bedroom mengadap arah matahari terbit. feng shui kata orang china... huuhuh..
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
stay tune!! ececehhh
Friday, August 7, 2009
Japanese Language Proficiency Test 2009

- 2 recent photographs (3cm x 3cm passport-sized)
- application must be accompanied by a photocopy of the applicant's I/C or passport
- to order an application form by mail, enclose an AR Register Sticker (cost RM1.70p/copy) and a stamp. For bulk orders, please contact the respective test center.
- for outstation cheques, include bank charges of 0.03% or 50sen whichever is higher.
Application period;
Aug 24 - Sept 11, 2009
Application form: Rm5.00 per copy Closing Date;
Sept 11, 2009
Application forms are available from Aug 1, 2009 at any of the mentioned test centres
all completed application must reach the respective test centres(where you wish to take the test) by September 11, 2009
for further inquiries do visit http://www.jlpt.jp/
to those who're planning to take the exam, gambarou!!Thursday, August 6, 2009