actually, sekarang nih mommy dah soro-soro plan nak bercerai susu dengan rayyan. dari tahun lepas dah plan nk mencapai target cerai susu sepenuhnya bila rayyan umur 22bulan.. sbb tu la dah plan a gateway for "mommy & daddy only" next month to some island far, far away…(actually, nak cari alasan gi honeymoon berdua jer..hihihi) rayyan kena belajar dok rumah tanpa mommy n daddy kejap tau.. no breastfeed for about a week,so rayyan must be tough and independent. Kalau nampak muka mommy kat rumah mmg susah laa.. I can't help myself seeing you with that pity face mintak nak nenen.. xsampai hati.jadi,kena la melarikan diri sebentar…
I've started gradually and slowly reduced the frequency of bf since last last month. I stopped pumping last week and Alhamdulillah, I didn't experienced engorged breast or anything. So far, I'm doing fine.. I've prepared fm for you. Although I have hard times choosing one from the many kinds. And I'm still wondering if the fm I bought is good. All of them seem no good… I don't believe in them actually. Payah la kann… hehehe. But, I have to choose one. For the time being, you only drink twice during the day. Tu pon xbyk, 4oz at a time and we still keep on breastfeeding during nights. I'm still figuring on how to wean and stop nights bf. It's hard when u still woke up 2 or 3 times each night for bf. If I refuse to give, u'll get cranky and wake up that'll make it even harder. Oohh… it's very challenging!!
I wanna share with mommies out there about supplements. Yes, I've started feeding rayyan with few suppliments since he started solid food. Judging from all the food we consume nowadays are not 100% save and organic, we've to be more cautious about our vitamins and nutrition intake. Most vegetables and fruits are fertilized. We eat mostly 'express' chicken which are injected to make them grow faster. We take fast food and dine out. So, our eating lifestyle should become our big concern these days, don't you think?? We are what we eat!!
Just for some info, I gave rayyan these supplements since he first started on solid foods;

DR-XENIJI is invented by Dr Shingoro, world-renowned Japanese scientist. It is an enzyme catalyst that helps to activate action of body enzymes to promote healthy metabolism. It is a combinations of fruits fermented over 1000days. I also consumed this during pregnancy days with rayyan. Might be one of the reasons I didn't suffer from nausea or any health problems during pregnancy and the fact I'm more energetic during the day that I don't feel like I'm pregnant for the 1st 5months…heheheh.It's very good for fetus growth and give the mother sufficient nutriens she needs along pregnant-hood.Rayyan really loves DR XENIJI because of the sweet fruity taste. He take this a spoonful each day and he'll ask for it whenever we forgot to feed him.
I'm sure most of mommies out there are very familiar with spirulina. But, do you know which one is the best for your family? Have you studied them? There are many spirulina types out there but I love this one because it is 100% organic. I started falling in love with spirulina from the first time I tried it. i keep on consuming it when I'm pregnant until now.. rayyan also loves spirulina. Eat it like a snack. Masa rayyan xde gigi dulu, mommy hancurkan dgn sudu supaya senang dia mkn.skg nih,kalau dpt kat dia..mkn mcm makan kacang…
Spirulina comes in all forms, shapes and sizes. They differ in their concentration quality and safety due to their cultivation and manufacturing processes. Spirulina is said as one of the richest whole-food sources of antioxidants, Vitamin E and beta-carotene… clinically documented to boost the immune system. Spirulina can inhibit viruses from replicating enhance activity of white blood cells and boost the body's production of antibodies. A recent study at OCCCD (Osaka Centre for Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases) in Japan indicates that spirulina increased the number and effectiveness of the body's natural killer cells that seek out cancer cells.
elken spirulina;
- Over 12 types of vitamins, over 12 types of minerals, 4 natural pigments, 8 essential amino acids & 100% alkaline content
- Top-grade Spirulina produced by World's first pure clean cultivation pool
- Manufacturing process designed by Prof. Keiun Kodo results in 100% pure Spirulina
The Nutritional Values Of Elken Spirulina ;
- Nutritional value is 14 times higher than cow's milk
- An excellent source of quick supply of glucose to the blood
- Contains over 13 types of vitamins and is the richest vegetative source of B12 in the world
- Excellent source of minerals (more than 13 types of minerals)
- Contains 4 types of natural pigments including beta carotene
- Contains all the 8 essential amino acids
- It is so complete in nutritional value that it is used as food for astronauts. Kesimpulannya,saper2 yang tak suka makan sayur, makanlah spirulina ;)
Among many, this is rayyan's most favourite. It taste like milk..well, of course.hehehe..Win IG6 Colostrum is collected within the first 6 hours upon the birth of the calf. Macam breast milk kita, yg jam awal2, colostrum adalah yg penuh dgn khasiat kan? Hehehe. My mom said,kalau ada baby yg selalu allergic to something, try have this. InsyaAllah...This helps provides a perfect balance of both immune and growth factors, necessary to activate more than 50 processes in the body, ranging from immunity to regeneration and growth of all cell types.
Hehehe..entry kali nih macam mempromote produk2 dari Elken pulak kan? Heheh,tp our family is a loyal consumer of their products…my MIL kat rumah dah macam doctor. Tanya jer la sakit apa pun, mesti boleh consult dgn dia. Kadang2 seronok tgk dia dgn bisnesnya, because of her passion. Bukan sekadar nak cari rezeki utk diri sendiri tp at the same time dapat bantu org yg sakit. Bagi mama, bila org yg dia tolong tu sihat, seolah2 satu kemenangan buat dia… itu yg buat dia puas sbb dapat membantu.
Masa mommy pregnant dulu, ada juga tanya kat doc if i have to take any additional pills or food.doc kata oleh sebab i dont have any pregnancy ordinary eating habit (which is not normal for me.. :D ) should be oleh sbb ngada2,mommy ada juga beli some from the drug store tp tak mkn pon..makan ngelat2...mcm asid folic sume2 tu..but i keep on taking DR XENIJI, Spirulina and Ester-C (vitamin C) all from elken…
Ok laa..sampai sini dulu about rayyan's suppliments. Lps nih, I'll let you know my secrets of keeping my body shape and weight… hehehe..yer2 jer. kalau rajin.....
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