Rayyan is 1year 8months 2weeks old

remember last entry when rayyan is ready to have a day out?actually rayyan had a play-date with auntie ida...hehehe.come let's take a look!
had lunch at Food Garden.mommy love their korean food especially bibimba and tofu jige..

play lego for a while at Robinson
test ride motorcycle...
then, we went straight to KLCC for our play-date with auntie ida...

"...to cross or not to cross?? " (lama sungguh ditenung parit tu..)
swing..swingg awayyy....(notice the 'cuak' face? hihihi)

errr... mommy help me get up..

short cut bole tak?
this is auntie ida.. bibik no.2
ママはライヤンちゃんをずっと見守っている からね

soon it was raining..we're running in the rain to our parking area.daddy hold rayyan and run in the rain too..it was fun.we leave KLCC playground and went out for dinner .we were planning to dine at Amy Search's Cheng Ho restaurant,but didn't manage to find it..plus,it was raining heavily.so,we went to delifrance instead .thank you auntie ida for the warm treat..lenkali belanja la lagi yer..hehehe
geram sungguh tgk rayyan ni. amboi auntie ida bile nk ade bb sendiri neh..
hehe..murni,ida tgh cari calon skg nih..kalau ada,boleh la kenen2kan kat dia...
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