~ Rayyan is 1year 9months 1week old~
last week,while doing some weekly household shopping...i came across this very much missed ice cream flavor...Macadamia Nuts by Haagen Dazs.it has been my favourite back in school days in Japan along with maccha,maple walnuts, and belgian chocholate..but, i love macadamia nuts the most..in case u all didn't know, Fukui only have one haagen dazs ice cream shop and it was just right across my apartment. every time i open the drapes at my balcony, my eyes would catch that haagen dazs sign..i remember those days, every friday they have a special offer, 7scoops for 500yen.that's around rm16(currency rate during that time) for 7different flavours...isn't it an awesome deal?indeed it was that we must make sure that we have it in weekly basis...kadang2 dah giri2 kedai nak tutup pkl 11 tu pon kami terjah jugak..kalau xmkn,rasa xsenang hati..there are times when i just can't wait for friday to come that i bought it in pints for 700yen..and have it while watching movies..sgt heaven..especially when it's snowy..i must say, eating ice cream while it was snowing outside is the best way to enjoy it.plus,the shop's big wide windows makes you feel like eating outside in the snow.. :D okay i'm bad at describing feelings..enough walking down that memorylane...
ini la Haagen Dazs di Fukui.. tpt melepak zaman muda mudi dulu
btw, while i was browsing in the jusco's big fridge for my favourite flavour..emirr came. i said that i just wanna see if they have my flavour..but mind you, the price was rm30.99 per pint.. kat jepun 700yen(rm28 kalau ikut rate skg).rasa mcm xberbaloi jer.. tp emirr nk belikan for me.. katanya hadiah anniversary kami couple 6years 17th april lps..hahah..i was blushing...i didn't think i'll get anything for that date...although, i have a special plan ahead for him on that..hehehe..and so, i got my macadamia nuts after long 'seluk' fridge tu..yeahh me!!
punyer la excited dapat my 1st macadamia nuts after 2years siap amek gmbr...please excuse my 'jakun'ess..
so.. we share the 3 of us.. including hero tecik nih.. dia pon suka macadamia nuts.. :D
another story..somewhere around last week..kami bawa rayyan ke jusco indoor playground. xberapa best ..rayyan bukan main sgt, dia dok ralit tgk budak2 lain lari sana sini...
it's hard to have a nice shot because of this little angel's massive movements
gmbr2 yg blurr...but i love the pose
this picture is decent..budak nih takut main kat bouncing ni..jerit2 dia nk keluar
on sunday, mommy and daddy went out for a date..hihihi..watch movie for free at cineleisure damansara..yess..free bebeh!! you, who gimme free tickets,pliss gimme more!! i want to watch x-men wolverin this coming thursday...heheh.. btw, we dunno what to watch that day..most of the movies dah tgk..punyer la kaki wayang kan... last2, tgk 'The Uninvited'.. fyi, daddy is never a fan of horror movie..siap mengadu sakit jantung tgh2 org suspen dlm tu..siann..mommy ok lagi sbb tu hantu omputih..kalau hantu jepun or melayu.. takut jugak laa..sbb pernah melalui dan sedang melalui life tu..nnti lps tgk mesti terbayang2..masa kat jepun dulu,berani jer tgk cite pontianak harum s*ndal malam tu..sbb duduk kat jepun..tau pontianak tu mesti xsampai jepunnyer..kena naik flight..hahahah.kalau duk jepun tgk hantu jepun,siap laa..asek terbayang2 ada hantu dlm oshire laa..hantu dlm tub mandi la..nk turun tangga gi toilet pon minta teman woo..hahaha..err..paham ker?? xpahamm?? abaikan ..hehehe ..tp skg,selalu tgk keliwon dgn bibik kat umh..bibik temankan sbb daddy takot..hihihi.. nih masalah takut tp nk tgk..pandai je dia tayang keliwon tu mlm jumaat kan??
anyway, cite the uninvited tu menarik jugak..sbb apa yg kita tgk tidak sama dgn conclusion akhir cerita..sgt la xbudget rupanyer kakak dia tu dah mati sama2 dgn mak dia..n rupanye budak tu betul2 physcho... syian gf bapak dia,kena bunuh tanpa sebab...
" can you believe what you see?"
after that, we went to IKEA..made some survey..kabinet dapur..heheh.. this is my dream kitchen. i want it in red, can i? skg nih dah mula buat survey2 for furniture and main electric appliances...kunci rumah dah dapat..tp not fully finished yet..need some mending here and there after we made check up.. we're not planning to move in soon anyway.so,there's plenty of time to think.. buat sikit2 dulu...

mommy as the assistant..

fikir ayang..jgn tak fikir..

setelah penat tawaf ikea..kami mengisi perut di Senjyu Sushi.. food not bad..price? bad... hahaha..quite pricey utk kami.. tp mommy hentam jer makan..maklumla,bab makan nih mmg xkedekut...

my fav agedashi tofu

price for sushi
we both had Ten Zaru Soba.. sedapp!!
kami balik rumah dah lewat...around 1030pm..anakanda terchenta telah pon selamat beradu.. rindduuu kat rayyan!!