it's not hard to understand what women it?
these melt my heart...
even melting when it came like this...
like this...

and this
and when i came nearer, the sweet scent makes me...mmmhhh..
it didn't came alone... accompanied by 2 dozens of this
and of course... a small meanigful notes from the love of my life..
surprise during midnight 23rd jan 09.. i was already asleep with rayyan...but we were awaken by the sound of the birthday anthem...of course by emir.along with this cake n candles on it..dah tua2 pon ada surprise lg.. ;p
birthday present by my mom-in law

present from colleagues..mentang2 la mommy selalu pow k.kb coklat daim..mcm perli jer bg satu bag nih..hehehe. it came with a dedication card tp xsempat amek gmbr..will update later

kisah birthday saya tahun ini ... hmm.. ada besh sikit.. midnight malam tu,got a surprise from mama n emir..rayyan pon sanggup bgn dr tido n makan kek sama2 dgn mommy.. esoknyer, ke aaj mcm biasa..kelas haritu dr pkl 9~12tgh hari.. masuk kelas, budak2 nih siap ramai2 cakap omedetou..heheh.. dah bg amaran jgn nyanyi lagu besday.malu! both classes wish me birthday..lps tu, sepanjang hari tu ramai la student2 yg wish.. tau jer derang ni.. balik dr kelas,terkejut sbb atas meja ada satu bakul penuh dengan bunga ros merah!! OMG!
it came not a bouquet,but 2dozens in a big basket..mula2 dapat tu dah suspen..igtkan pakwe lama mana la yg bagi..hahaha..perasan pulak tuh..rupa2nyer,pakwe mana one & only laa...hehehe...kata k.fuza siap ribut satu ofis bila ada org hantar delivery bunga..semua jepun2 datang berkerumun ke meja..derang pelik tradisi anta2 bunga kat ofis ni..semua dok puji2 cik abang tu lomantik...hehehe..student pon kebetulan masuk ofis utk urusan persiapan akhir persembahan malam esoknya..derang pon dok perli2.. tersipu2 je la mak incik... dlm hati kata,mimpi apa la dia anta bunga bazir2 duit... tp dalam hati pon kata, sayyang juga dia kat bini dia sampai sanggup bazir2 duit beli apa yg bini dia sgt2 suka... nak balik tu,terasa segan pulak nk angkut sebakul red roses..nk sampai ke parking rasa ramai jer pandang..mcm minah jual bunga pon ada.. to dlm hati mak incik ini berbunga2...ihihih...
kes bagi2 bunga nih sangat la satu dalam seribu..emir is not the mat-bagi-bunga type..he always consider flowers as a waste of money as it didn't last long.. having to know him for almost 6years & being his wife for 3years.. i think there's only 4/5 times i received flowers..
1st;when i broke my wrist playing snowboard,
2nd;my graduation day(tu pon nak kena hint2..dia beli kat kedai runcit makcik kurogawa bawah apato kitorang n bungkus+letak ribbon sendiri...lawak giller! ida pon dapat jugak),
3rd;when i came back from japan for holiday(been away from each other for 6months..),
4th; our 3rd anniversary masa kat Jepun last year
and this is the 5th time...
dulu selalu perli2 dia sbb tak dpt bunga kalau ada special event..kali nih,mak aihh..sebakul!
oh yer.. birthday kali ni, tak tau nk hadiah apa..emir asked me a few weeks before my birthday,but i just haven't got any idea what i want.mmg selalunyer every year i'll make a request. thn nih mcm takde apa pulak nk request ( in other words, takde benda yg munasabah nk request..kang minta bmw sebijik susah pulak ). so, masih takde lagi hadiah.. rasa mcm dpt bunga n coklat tu pon dah cukup bahagia..ehehe.. baik kan? owh.. tp beta akan minta later on laa.. td nmpk perfume marc n jacobs mcm besh jer.. cuma perfume bukan dlm list needed things.. berbotol2 perfume tak abis pakai lg.. kalau bawa gi shopping mall mesti senang nk fikir kan?... hahaha.. terlebih request jadiknyer nnti.bahaya!
malam pulak, ada rehearsal final utk soubetsukai. mommy dtg untuk final touch up tarian zapin. adjust some part and arrange their outfit for the show... disebabkan xde accessories,habis bunga ummi mommy kerjakan.mommy potong2,jahit pin and jadikan bunga sanggul.i promise her, i'll replace it with a new one later..heheh.. lps habis latihan around 1030pm camtu, sebelum penutup, floor manager and all the committee sempat lagi wish birthday utk mommy and suhaili(my student) yg sambut birthday on the next day(24th).. they all sang a birthday song for both of us.. arigatou minna!!
masa nk pergi rehearsal tu,kami tak sempat nk dinner sbb tunggu daddy balik lmbt.. maklumlah,sekarang nih berulang alik dr rawang.. so, on the way balik tu,singgah for late dinner at our fav coffee house.and that's how i spent my 23rd January this year of ox... ;p
penutup 23 januari 09 (11:45pm) @ Old Town White Coffee,Jln Klang Lama

ok laa..enuff with the birthday update..
another year added to my age, but i still feel young!! huhuhu..
and now, i'm happy to click on the 'refresh' button of my target for this year...
hopefully, this year will promise more prosperous n joy for all of us.. insyaAllah..
p/s : next update ----> soubetsukai 2009!! :)