Tuesday, February 27, 2007
baby 1st kick..
actually,i kinda felt it before(tuesday nite 20th feb),but it was not as obvious as today..because u kicked 3times..i really felt it..and,woww..it's hard to say how i feel..
maybe baby letih main badminton td,after we won two games over uncle jun n dugong today..or baby nak main lagi?? hehehe..cukup la tu..mommy dah sakit2 bahu nih haa..kaki pon dah sengal2..
xjd nkgi shopping arinih..sempat ke uniqlo je.i just bought mine..i'm not ready to buy yours until i comfirm ur sex..hehehe..we'll know by next week..can't wait..
ok..just wanna write about ur 1st-obvious-kick...can't wait for more..for daddy..ummuuahhs!
leftover life as a student...
dearest baby of mine,
okay la..sampai sini dulu..till next post.
love u baby..love u love u..and endless love for my big baby,emirr! u rock my world,dear...
how are you?hope u're doing fine in there? keep active and healthy..
lately,berat bdn mommy semakin bertambah..now i'm, 47.7kg..heheh..belly also getting obvious..maternity pants is a must now..kalu x..nnti xleh mkn byk2..=)

so,this is ur pic during 2nd last visit.17 weeks..we had u on video too..did u see that ur hands are both near ur eyes?hehe..mcm2 gaya ada baby mommy ni.. u're 10.3cm long..
the last visit was the time when i suffered stomach ache..the pic with me lying in bed and cik ida beside me making jokes...huhuh.i've told u on previous post about it rite..the nite when the doc had to rush to the hosp to check on me..
so,after all my thesis n presentation were over..i wanna make this leftover time in japan counts..for us of course..
i've made plans for holidays..short trip..etc..
last weekend we had a really great time.friday nite,we went bowling just mommy n daddy..bowling date! daddy kalah with us.guess i'm not doing so bad in sports even with the pregnancy.huhuh..next day,we went shopping at kanazawa..jln2 doraibu sambil dating2..mlm nyer pulak gi karaoke with the boys..and sunday morning,drive all the way to a strawberry farm at Gifu.mkn strawberry sampai xlarat nk mkn..but,mommy really loves strawberry..xpernah bosan..kalu la that farm was mine..tiap2 ari mkn fresh strawberry.. beshnyer... plus,strawberry kaya dgn folic acid..good for u too..
this coming 1st n 2nd Mac,we'll be off for ibaraki by flight dgn sensei n kawan2 lab.lawatan sambil belajar melawat nuclear energy plant kat sana. saje je nk jln2 skali sbnrnya.balik tu kalu sempat nk menyinggah ke tokyo.sensei dah bg green light utk amek last flight..yeahh!cool huhokay la..sampai sini dulu..till next post.
love u baby..love u love u..and endless love for my big baby,emirr! u rock my world,dear...
Thursday, February 15, 2007
i carry your heart with me..i carry it in my heart
I carry your heart with me.
I carry it in my heart.
I am never without it.
Anywhere I go, you go, my dear.
And whatever is done by only me... is your doing, my darling.
I fear no fate... for you are my fate, my sweet.
I want no world, for, beautiful... you are my world, my true.
Here is the deepest secret no one knows.
Here is the root of the root... and the bud of the bud...
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life...
which grows higher than the soul can hope... or mind can hide.
It is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart.
I carry your heart.
I carry it in my heart...
Friday, February 9, 2007
kuatkan aku utk menjaga amanah-Mu
hye my sweet pie..
kali nih mommy xsempat lg nk upload gmbr latest baby.maklumlah,kesibukan sedang melanda sekarang..tp still nk memblogging..nanttene! =)
masa check up hari rabu,everything was fine.doc tanya pasal any changes in me..or any problem..i said i was doing great..daddy pon ikut sama masa check up..but he seemed blurr...klaka pon ada..he acted like the doc..when the doc asked me,he looked at me like he don't know what's happening to me.padahal tinggal sebumbung..itulah daddy.sometimes he can be 'blurr'..hehehe..tp lps lama sket..after looking at you in the ultrasound screen,he became excited.apa lagi bila time doc kata dah bleh tgk jantina.bukan main suka lg..i just let him enjoy the moment.mommy relax je..but then,doc kata still xleh nk confirm betul2 your sex,asik gerak2.tp doc dah ckp la kemungkinannyer..hehehe..mommy dah agak dah..=)
all in all..sume ok.next day,pegi sekolah agak awal.kalu dulu pegi pkl 11/12tgh hari balik pkl 4/5..skg nih pegi pkl 8/9pg balik pkl 8/9mlm..pkl 1030pg, mommy gi exam applied math.no komen about the xm..tawakal je skg ni..mommy dah usaha semampu yg bole..yg lain serahkan pada Dia.but,actuallynyer,mommy stress sbb ada soalan yg mommy bleh jawab tp silap.atau kata lainnyer,masa tgh exam xterfikir..bila dah abis baru tau camne nk wat..tp who can bring back time..yg dah lepas,biarlah lepas..u'd think..huhuh
asyik jugak fikir pasal exam tu,even dah abis.tgh hari tu,tetiba rasa sakit2 blkg and perut rasa lain macam..tp buat relax je..maybe penat sbb smlm tdo pon lmbt..but,masa tgh tanya2 dgn horiuchi san,sakit makin dahsyat..terpaksa gak keluar gi baring kat kerusi sblh meeting room..baring sampai tertido.sejam lps tu baru balik kenkyu semula.nobody realized i'm gone(kalu ler pengsan dlm toilet ke..xde sape tau..cuak gak)
mlm tu,pegi makan kat luar macam biasa.tgh2 mkn tetiba dtg balik sakit td..uish,xleh jd.terfikir dah yg bukan2.so,mommy call hosp n derang suh dtg utk check up.sampai hosp doc xsampai lg.syian doc kena dtg mlm2 nih.nurse amek darah,wat urine test..doc dtg wat ultrasound lg utk tgk baby..alhamdulillah..xde masalah ngan baby.heart beat is normal..doc kata sbb contraction.after borak2 ngan doc he gave me prescription.. and we're free to go.
tetiba rasa bersalah pulak.mommy terpaksa bawa baby gi kenkyu n study.bila mommy stress sbb exam n thesis..you got the effect somehow.not enuff sleep..xmkn ikut masa..*sigh*
i'm sooo sorry...my bad.tp nak xnak kena hadapi..
mommy doa agar baby sentiasa kuat sama2 dgn mommy,
semoga Allah berikan kekuatan utk kita berdua
diberikan kesihatan,dikurniakan petunjuk dlm setiap kesusahan,
dipermudahkan usaha dan diberkati-Nya
know that i love u..and i treasure every second with you
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
as bz as a bee
lama nyer xupdate blog..actually,skg nih tgh lapa ..tunggu daddy amek nk gi mkn luar.saikin asik mkn luar je..mommy bz ngan exam n final presentation n thesis yg selai pon xde lg...
aduilaa..it's gonna be one of those unbearable weeks coming...sabar ye baby..mommy knows its not good for you..but we have to strive..have to fight!(coz we already had a lot of honeymoon already,rite?)
tomorrow,next doc appoinment..hope you're fine..dah lama xcheck how you're doing in there as i don't feel anything(don't feel pregnant).sometimes,i'm worried i do harm to you unintentionally..i do prefer going for check up every 2 weeks rather than once a month..nnti doc kata ngada2 laks..
ok laa..gtg.daddy's here.
c ya soon sayang..
p/s:new song from movie The Guardian.we love that movie..n of course this song..it has beautiful lyrics
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