Thursday, November 29, 2012

may be the only post for november :)

lamanya xupdate blog..rasa cam dah terabai sungguh2..dah kurang masa nk mengadap blog tulis ayat, even publish picture sbb rasa cam leceh.. n mainly because most pictures now are taken using my smartphone, didn't even bother to transfer them to the computer.i usually post them in IG straight away if i wanna share anything.. i wish IG is the new blog style..that we can access using both phone n computer..that'll make it more interesting..yesterday, i view my IG page on the computer and am loving it.. here's the link if u wish to see -> .. so, if you wish to see any updates(not that there are anything interesting anyway heheh), come and see me in IG ...

here's a print screen of mai IG page

arinih kena jadi jaga jalan kat tadika rayyan..jepun ni biasa laa..macam2,yg bukan keje pon, bole jadi keje... jalan keliling sekolah tu, mak2 kena gilir2 jaga..seb baik setahun sekali je.. terpacak la rifqi & mama kat tepi jalan sambil pegang bendera kuning(kenapa kuning?) konon2 jadi polis trafik...alhamdulillah, harini cuaca elok je, cerah n angin sepoi2 bahasa je...hehehe..smlm sejuk giller n hujan lak tu..syian sape kena jaga semalam...

lepas jadi jaga, ada date dgn Mari san, pergi shopping kat Costco(ala2 makro malaysia suatu masa dulu)...kalau pergi situ sure nk beli segala mak nenek..kali ni pergi dgn niat nak temankan Mari sbb dia xde member kad, tapi dengan tuan punya kad sekali tershopping..banyak shopping makanan je..roti dia sedappp giler n murahh compare kat luar..Mari pon syiok shopping macam2..siap buat kaji selidik pasal costco..kata Mari ada japanese ni tulis blog pasal costco saja..barang apa best, yg mana untung beli ect..gile laa..mmg jepun betul..aku nk beli letak list dlm otak je, tu yg jadi lain nk beli, lain yg dapat..hahaha... tp seronok la arinih.tergelak2 shopping ngan Mari..sampai tergolek pizza aku atas escalator mueheheh.. dah2 la, cukup merepek sudah..

cuaca makin sejuk...suhu dlm bilik kalau xbuka heater dah 16deg..nak keluar dr living room pon pk banyak kali( sbb living room je ada heater), even nk pergi toilet pon berkira..hahaha,mmg hampeh!

itu je sempat update arini..


faiszakee said...

Mai kalo iphone ada apps blogpress ko bole straight away blogging from the phone.. Bole insert pics.. suka gambo2 yg ko captured.. Cantik...

faiszakee said...

Mai kalo iphone ada apps blogpress ko bole straight away blogging from the phone.. Bole insert pics.. suka gambo2 yg ko captured.. Cantik...

Ismah Imani Ahamad said...

web IG sensei dah macam blog chef haha gambar makanan lawa2 and komfem sedap !