Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Miracle 'Thank You'

~Rayyan is 3years 6months wiser~
~Rifqi is 9months 4weeks 2days super cheeky~

i am burning the midnight oil to study something for my next project...accompanied by rayyan. i turned on his current favourite anime 'Panda Go Panda'..he loves 'Papa' and he can sing along the song, to my surprise! singing japanese in his own version...

fyi, rayyan is still on diapers.. yup, 3.5years old and still on diapers..selalu fail kalau nk train dia pegi bilik air sbb kena gaduh dulu...last2 i gave up..xlarat dah berperang hanya sbb nk suruh duduk atas toilet bowl...lately,apa kita suruh dia xnak buat.. mmg main reverse phsycology jer ... kalau nk suruh dia makan, kata kat dia..'rayyan jgn makan nih tau..xsedap'..he'll say,'alaa...nak laaa'..there you go! so, i plan to use the same method for potty train... skg nih, kalau mama dia yg pakaikan seluar without diapers dia akan org lain sure kalah dgn dia... guna teknik distract...bila dia ckp pasal diapers je,kita ckp topic lain yg menarik perhatian dia..cite kat tv ke, game ke..apa2 la yg dia suka..sure dia give in.. tonight, masa dah selamat sarungkan seluar tanpa diapers, i said to him,' rayyan..kalau nk kencing JANGAN pergi toilet tau...kencing jer kat dlm seluar..'  papa dia dgr, tergelak2... tp jgn la tokok tambah yg negatif2...let him experience mcm mana rasanyer bila asek kencing dlm mlm nih dia lepas ujian.. :)

masa nak tido, i asked him to get diapers from embah(our maid)... he went downstairs alone and later on i heard he said, 'thank you embah!' tp masa tu dah halfway naik tangga n i bet my maid xdgr... it sounded sooo cute, believe me! kalau ckp thank you biasanya, bila kita td,xsuruh came from inside of him :) now, i'm a proud mother!! hik3... there's this one time i heard him said,'sorry mama' nonchalantly... those 2miracle words almost made me cry... he's all grown up!

bila suruh senyum...tak handsome la senyum camni...
abis tu??

haa..macam ni la anak mama!!


and that evening, after came home from work..found rifqi here...checking on the books...jari telunjuk dia cute jer, tunjuk2 kat buku... adek sudah mula menunjukkan minat nak jadi engineer..survey buku2 engineering nampaknyer... hampir tertelan my post-it note bertulis formula denjiki(electromagnetics)


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