adess..apa yer?? hmmm... belajar menjahit sampai khatam. hik3. dulu pernah mengikuti kelas jahitan kat 'pesta'(nama tempat kat batu pahat) tp belajar main2 jer...suka2 isi masa lps spm.berjaya siapkan sepasang baju kurung utk diri lps tu, xpraktik sampai lupa dah camne nk potong sume...sampai skg masih lagi hantar tempah baju kat orang. pulak tu, tempahan sekarng mahal belaka. currently my tailor charge rm45 utk baju kurung n rm55 utk kebaya.. mahal kan? tp sbb dia jahit kemas, mmg keep on hantar situ je. anyone know anywhere cheaper? with good quality of course =)
Day 24 → Make a playlist to someone, and explain why you chose all the songs. (Just post the titles and artists and letter)
playlist utk emir
Faizal Tahir - Hanyut(esp for him)
Adam AF2 - Jatuh (from him for me..hahaha,sila gelak)
N'sync - This i promise you(our theme song)
Kobukuro - 永久に共に (sweet song for our family!)
Kawaguchi Kyogo - Sakura(another from him, such a beautiful song)
Air Supply - Making love out of nothing at all
Ketsumeishi - Namida
Samson - Kenangan Terindah
Faizal Tahir - Sampai Syurga, bencinta
dan byk lagi...
these songs adalah lagu wajib di karaoke. owh, rindu nk berkaraoke....
" i love you and our 'soldiers', the 2 R.A. thank you for dedicating songs to me although i know you're not the romantic kinda guy, but always have your own way to love sweet to me... these songs will remain in our playlist...forever!
love me and love me more..
~Your-Sarah~ "
hehehe..jiwang2...saya jeles
ala..ko pon tak kurang jiwangnyer...
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