Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sneak Peek on Pangkor Island Getaway

my 1st thought as i step on the island was,

"ruginyerrrr...xbawa DSLR"
yerp, we left our dslr thinking that we can't handle extra luggage with 2babies in hands...we were wrong! don't bring too much luggage.instead make sure you have your dslr in hand whenever you're on a vacation especially to an island!!

- Lesson learned!

however, me managed to get some memorable shots on our 3days 2nights stay there

one of my favourite is this

insyaAllah, will post more later...

can't wait to tell you about the trip 


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Happy Birthday MaiLove


he's not looking forward to this date because he's entering 30's from today...
i said,
no matter what number your age is
no matter if you have wrinkles everywhere
no matter if you're fat and your tummy shows
no matter if you cannot do that 'rambut pacak' that i love
no matter if there's only rm10 in your bank account
no matter what
i just don't care at all
it's your heart that i want
and that's where i'm gonna hold on to

so, be happy and let's celebrate your birthday
this is my anniversary+birthday gift for you
let's have some fun and relax..of course with the kids


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Aidilfitri 2010

Rayyan Adam is 3years 1month macho!
Rifqi Aydeen is 4months 2weeks comel!

kenangan aidilfitri 2010

foto bersama nenda emirr @ moyang rayyan&rifqi

tgk la tu..almost impossible to get a decent picture with rayyan nowadays

this is the best we could get :)

raya masih ada lagi...

jemputlah dtg ke rumah!

Mai 1st curtain

ingatkan senang la nak jahit langsir nih...sebenarnya, tidak semudah yang disangka..sampai sakit2 pinggang makcik tonggeng2 nak potong kain nih haa.. selalu deal dgn kain potongan kecik2 jer..bila kena potong kain langsir nih, payah rupanyer.ukuran besar..penat kena buat kira2..takut salah potong, maklumlah kainnyer bukan murah.sayang kalau tersilap.kain asal tak cukup, kena top up dgn kain lain...kat sini la kena kreatif sket. beli kain lain, tak sangka coraknyer ada motif dahan dan daun..so, i put the design upside down making it look like falling leaves sbb motif fabric utama adalah daun bertabur..reminds me of autumn in japan..owh, i love autumn soo much! eehehe.

alhamdulillah, setelah beberapa malam stay up...
inilah hasilnyer...

tgk tu, dia buat tpt main sorok2 pulak

i used a matching ribbon to attach the 2 different fabric design to ease the contra. the inner layer xjahit..beli kat ikea.. nice & cheap!
abaikan model tua saya... main dgn rotan mama yer...

when hold together.
we have 5sliding doors..so, i wasn't sure to go with 4,5 or 6pieces of curtains.. i chose 5... jadiknyer yg tgh kena ikat solo..maybe next curtain i should go with 6pieces.add more flows

paling mencabar nk jahit tepi2 kain...kalau dibiarkan nnti berambu2.nak anta jahit tepi, xsempat...jadi,jahitlah manual satu2...

boleh la for a 1st timer....  :)

si botak belakang langsir

Friday, September 17, 2010

Rifqi @ 4months

Aydeen @ 4months

weight : 6.2kg
height : 64cm

aydeen sudah pandai buat macam2...
  • sudah boleh meniarap & bergolek2..yeayy!! and he's enjoying it.
  • love his hands way too much! selalu dok belek2 tgn sendiri and suka masukkan tangan dlm mulut.
  • sucking his thumb to sleep is a must.. should i stop him? dah beli few puting tp dia xmau..should i invest on 10different types or let him be?
  • pandai bercakap bahasa alien...rayyan jer paham.kadang2 pitching tinggi sampai kami terkejut.
  • sgt suka kalau rayyan bercakap dgn dia...he'll smile, laughs at rayyan eventhough i, myself don't understand rayyan's story...mmg sah bahasa alien
  • amazed at coloured things..esp red.
  • bangun tgh mlm semakin berkurangan..lately, sekali jer..kalau penat sgt,xbgn langsung.sedap la mama & papa dia lena
  • suka pegang kaki sendiri...

hii, saya dah meniarap...tak lama lagi boleh lari!


The last 3 questions

sorry, i missed these 3questions.should've completed before syawal..what to do... bz welcoming syawal with my always-last-minute preparation.alhamdulillah, the curtain is done.boleh laa..emir love it..tak amek gmbr lagi... insyaAllah will post it later.

Day 28 → What if you were pregnant or got someone pregnant, what would you do?

pregnant now? rifqi is only 4months... mungkin akan pengsan dulu...hehehe

Day 29 → Something you hope to change about yourself. And why.

kurang merungut! macam mana agaknyer maisarah yg lebih ayu dan bersopan santun... pendiam dan xbanyak songeh..hihihi.
why? tak elok untuk kesihatan kalau fikir negatif n merungut...kena selalu ceria & positif!

there you go..tamat sudah 30days of truth... seriously, it is not easy! phewww!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


wahh..lamanyer tak ngadap blog..mmg beraya sakan..hari2 rasa cepat sgt berlalu...
just a quick update..

today is our anniversary...16th September 2005~2010...our 5th year anniversary.. alhamdulillah, seronok sgt bila diumumkan tarikh ni sebagai cuti am...tiap2 tahun boleh la celebrate..xyah fikir pasal keje,boleh rabu2..

arinih xcelebrate apa2 pon..masih lagi dalam mood raya..and fyi, en abg saya tak wish laagi..dia lupa? saje buat2 lupa? surprise?? err, saya pon malas nk remind..tunggu sampai malam nih kalau xde wish jugak, hmm..apa nak buat eh? denda mop satu rumah atas bawah n cuci toilet?! yess!!

for bekfas, menghabiskan baki lepat dan food dpd kenduri aritu...lepat nih mak yg buat..bawa balik dr batu pahat.mcm lemang tp pulut bercampur kelapa parut diikat dlm daun kelapa.ini mmg speciality waktu raya..yg ini pon,mak buat special utk anak bongsu dia...yg buat mlm raya dah abis raya ke-2...huhuh..

sedap sgt..3hari 3mlm makan benda nih ..mak bekalkan byk..tp sbb masa raya je dpt makan,kami xkesah.hehehe..

macam mana raya anda semua? banyak dapat duit raya?? eh, byk abes duit raya?
raya kali nih,xde gmbr sgt..lupa bawa kamera balik kampung..kelam kabut kemas last minute nyer pasal...hehehe... tgk la kalau2 muka kami ada terselit dlm kamera sesape nnti..

Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 25, 26, 27 & Iftar with imfeen

Day 25 → The reason you believe you’re still alive today.

mai late sister, Kak Yah

Day 26 → Have you ever thought about giving up on life? If so, when and why?

yup.. let the 'when & why' be a secret

Day 27 → What’s the best thing going for you right now?

Rayyan Adam & Rifqi Aydeen




cerita lain pulak

last saturday, we held iftar with imfeen friends at our teratak. it was a Nabe Party. can't really recall the last time we had nabe. masa kat jepun, masa musim sejuk la ber'nabe' baru syiok...makan panas2 sambil tgk salji turun kat luar... kimochiii! tp kalau tunggu musim sejuk kat msia, payah laa..kena naik cameron higland or genting baru dpt sejuk...itu pon suam2...hehehe..alhamdulillah, malam tu hujan rahmat turun..so, instead of snow, we hear the rain outside... but the best part was definitely to have it with best friends. wahhh, meriah sungguh rumah malam tu. i'm glad they make themselves at home...periuk belangan kat mana semua tak payah tanya2, depa korek sendiri.xdelah tuan rumah kelam kabut sediakan segala..senang keje makncik...

as for the food, we made a brief shopping together at ioi mall. wahh, 1st time shopping barang rumah berjemaah...syiok! sambil belajar balik nama sayur2 dlm nihonggo..hahah, lama xguna byk yg dah lupa. sensei pon lupa daaa... apa la sensei ni,kan? anyway, terima kasih lah kat puan nazirah sbb belanja kami kat jusco n j.co donut..lepas nih belanja la lagi..lps shopping, sampai kat teratak,tetamu dr melaka dah sampai..bawa teman lagi..hik3.persediaan makanan berjalan dgn lancar.seb baik ada 2anak dara(sorang xlama lagi hilang title..hik3), dan seorang mak buyung.keje semua cpt jer siap.

jom tgk menu!

meja nabe..

udang,sotong,kupang,isi ketam,cendawan enoki dan mcm2 lagi
makan bersama mee udon

naganegi(green onion?), hakusai(kobis cina?)



pembuka selera, fresh from kuali.cempedak goreng cik ida
cempedak beli kat jusco tu...sodap!!

jus tembikai laici.100% pure....cik echo buat.
ada menu minuman satu lagi lupa amek gmbr..kurma shake from en.stapak

ready to ngapp!

J.Co donut & banan muffin(lagi!.. maklumlah, ada org ngidam)

imfeen family without 'f' & one 'e'

rayyan yg kacau daun...
ajak masuk xnak..bila kamera klip2, dia sibuk jenguk2 pulak

seronokk!! tak sempat update secret stories korang...busy makan n line tak clear..hehehe.
nnti korang overnight la sini...boleh lepak cerita sampai pagi!

dear fith & elah di jepun;

bila mau join??

Friday, September 3, 2010

Day 23 & Day 24

Day 23 → Something you wish you had done in your life.

adess..apa yer?? hmmm... belajar menjahit sampai khatam. hik3. dulu pernah mengikuti kelas jahitan kat 'pesta'(nama tempat kat batu pahat) tp belajar main2 jer...suka2 isi masa lps spm.berjaya siapkan sepasang baju kurung utk diri sendiri..tp lps tu, xpraktik sampai lupa dah camne nk potong sume...sampai skg masih lagi hantar tempah baju kat orang. pulak tu, tempahan sekarng mahal belaka. currently my tailor charge rm45 utk baju kurung n rm55 utk kebaya.. mahal kan? tp sbb dia jahit kemas, mmg keep on hantar situ je. anyone know anywhere cheaper? with good quality of course =)

Day 24 → Make a playlist to someone, and explain why you chose all the songs. (Just post the titles and artists and letter)

playlist utk emir

Faizal Tahir - Hanyut(esp for him)
Adam AF2 - Jatuh (from him for me..hahaha,sila gelak)
N'sync - This i promise you(our theme song)
Kobukuro - 永久に共に (sweet song for our family!)
Kawaguchi Kyogo - Sakura(another from him, such a beautiful song)
Air Supply - Making love out of nothing at all
Ketsumeishi - Namida
Samson - Kenangan Terindah
Faizal Tahir - Sampai Syurga, bencinta

dan byk lagi...

these songs adalah lagu wajib di karaoke. owh, rindu nk berkaraoke....


" i love you and our 'soldiers', the 2 R.A. thank you for dedicating songs to me although i know you're not the romantic kinda guy, but always have your own way to love me...be sweet to me... these songs will remain in our playlist...forever!

love me and love me more..
  ~Your-Sarah~  "

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 21, 22 & progress of mai "Projek Raya"

Day 21 → (scenario) Your best friend is in a car accident and you two got into a fight an hour before. What do you do?

cepat2 pergi hospital lorr... 

Day 22 → Something you wish you hadn’t done in your life.

byk! bila buat silap, mesti lah menyesal. dan xde manusia yg tak pernah melakukan kesilapan...yang penting berazam utk tidak mengulanginya... so, i guess there's no need to tell the world about it either.





so, as some might already know..i'm on MC today.. not feeling well due to some of the things i ate last night at kampung kot.bgn pagi tadi, sakit perut gila2..mcm contraction nk bersalin.siap terduduk...penat bersemangat n bersiap2 nak gi kerja...mula2 tu rasa cam ok, tahan sakit skit jer kot..tp sakit tu dtg balik 3times..terus emir suruh pergi klinik.feeling better now.. sempat cuci couch cover n sedang planning nk menjahit langsir..semalam baru beli kain kat tampin..igtkan kat sana murah, but sama jer ngan kat sini...tp sebab dah sampai sana, i just ask emir to choose the one he likes...so, langsir ini adalah taste dia..saya tukang jahit sajer... hehehe

kali nih nk letak gambar projek raya 1,2 & 3 ehehe.. 'projek raya' la sangat... tp seronok pulak bila ada projek camni..bersemangat sikit utk jadi produktif...
ok, project no.1

almond choc chips for raya cookies.

yours truly sebenarnya are not really into biskut2 raya.kalau gi beraya, mkn biskut seketul dua je..kalau ada kacang2 or asam2, itu je la yg suka makan.so, i made the decision to make cookies that i love.. one of them, choc chips. the cookies turned out ok, but not as crunchy. salah measure kot sbb main agak2 jer nih...hehehe.. tp ok laa..sesuai utk org tua yg ada gigi kurang upaya..hahaha..that refers to my mom.mak xleh makan benda keras2..so, ok la..kan mak?hehehe ..to my surprise, rayyan loves this. mula2 rasa pon xnak..tp bila paksa makan, nak lagi pulak..hahaha..mak dia mmg zalim, paksa anak makan... semalam, dia sendiri yg order nk cookies tu from the jar that i brought back to malacca utk noyang dia.. =)

project no.2

cornflakes crunchy cookies.

another of my favourite biskut raya. i'm quite picky when i comes to cornflakes cookies...mesti crunchy n xsuka melekit2. biasanya org buat letak madu..i noticed kalau letak madu cornflakes akan hilang its crunchiness. i put in golden syrup instead..susah betul nk dpt golden syrup..jumpa kat hartamas shopping centre last week...
 resepi dpt from k.lin..she made marvellous cornflakes cookies i remember peluk cookies jar tu all to myself sambil tgk tv..pastu berebut dgn emirr. sedapp!! best ever!  thanks a lot k.lin! definitely gonna treasure the recipe. satu adunan dpt sampai 300pieces... dah selamat bagi some to noyang rayyan n rifqi
nak guna few spoons jer..hahaha..xpe2, ada possibility kena buat lagi cornflakes cookies nih.. =)

hasil biskut so far... tp dah susut sebenarnya. =)

project no.3


pillow cover utk bantal rayyan. senang jer buatnya bila dah ada mesin jahit!!

lepas siap pillow cover tu, terus move on to next mission, cushion cover..emir bought this cushion cover at the gardens few months back.been wanting big cushions to put in the living.boleh golek2 sambil tgk tv..but payah nk cari cover utk big cushion nih..30"x30" ..so , i made it myself..beli kain kat ioi mall the night before sambil browsing for kain langsir...

this is the result...with one happy baby on it =)

i can't believe i managed to sew n bake in the same day. 1 type of cookies n i pillow cover n 2cushion cover.of course with the help of my dear emir watching the boys... rayyan was very eager to try my sewing machine as well, sibuk measure segala benda dlm rumah with the tape... hehehe

alhamdulillah... xsangka dlm kesibukan kerja, uruskan rumah dan anak2, i still managed to cover all these.... betul la kata kawan2 mommies yg lain, kalau dah get used dgn routine harian, kita akan dpt curi masa utk buat benda yg kita suka... even if we have to sacrifice sleeping hours..but so far, mai sleeping hours remains 10pm~5am...hehehe..bulan puasa mmg tido awal.no tv for me...

next is the big project, the curtains!!
good luck to me! hopefully it turns out fine... cuak!