Day 21 → (scenario) Your best friend is in a car accident and you two got into a fight an hour before. What do you do?
cepat2 pergi hospital lorr...
Day 22 → Something you wish you hadn’t done in your life.
byk! bila buat silap, mesti lah menyesal. dan xde manusia yg tak pernah melakukan kesilapan...yang penting berazam utk tidak mengulanginya... so, i guess there's no need to tell the world about it either.
so, as some might already know..i'm on MC today.. not feeling well due to some of the things i ate last night at kampung kot.bgn pagi tadi, sakit perut gila2..mcm contraction nk bersalin.siap terduduk...penat bersemangat n bersiap2 nak gi kerja...mula2 tu rasa cam ok, tahan sakit skit jer sakit tu dtg balik 3times..terus emir suruh pergi klinik.feeling better now.. sempat cuci couch cover n sedang planning nk menjahit langsir..semalam baru beli kain kat tampin..igtkan kat sana murah, but sama jer ngan kat sebab dah sampai sana, i just ask emir to choose the one he, langsir ini adalah taste dia..saya tukang jahit sajer... hehehe
kali nih nk letak gambar projek raya 1,2 & 3 ehehe.. 'projek raya' la sangat... tp seronok pulak bila ada projek camni..bersemangat sikit utk jadi produktif...
ok, project no.1
almond choc chips for raya cookies.
yours truly sebenarnya are not really into biskut2 raya.kalau gi beraya, mkn biskut seketul dua je..kalau ada kacang2 or asam2, itu je la yg suka, i made the decision to make cookies that i love.. one of them, choc chips. the cookies turned out ok, but not as crunchy. salah measure kot sbb main agak2 jer nih...hehehe.. tp ok laa..sesuai utk org tua yg ada gigi kurang upaya..hahaha..that refers to my mom.mak xleh makan benda, ok la..kan mak?hehehe my surprise, rayyan loves this. mula2 rasa pon bila paksa makan, nak lagi pulak..hahaha..mak dia mmg zalim, paksa anak makan... semalam, dia sendiri yg order nk cookies tu from the jar that i brought back to malacca utk noyang dia.. =)
project no.2
cornflakes crunchy cookies.
another of my favourite biskut raya. i'm quite picky when i comes to cornflakes cookies...mesti crunchy n xsuka melekit2. biasanya org buat letak madu..i noticed kalau letak madu cornflakes akan hilang its crunchiness. i put in golden syrup instead..susah betul nk dpt golden syrup..jumpa kat hartamas shopping centre last week...
resepi dpt from k.lin..she made marvellous cornflakes cookies i remember peluk cookies jar tu all to myself sambil tgk tv..pastu berebut dgn emirr. sedapp!! best ever! thanks a lot k.lin! definitely gonna treasure the recipe. satu adunan dpt sampai 300pieces... dah selamat bagi some to noyang rayyan n rifqi
nak guna few spoons jer..hahaha..xpe2, ada possibility kena buat lagi cornflakes cookies nih.. =)
hasil biskut so far... tp dah susut sebenarnya. =)
project no.3
pillow cover utk bantal rayyan. senang jer buatnya bila dah ada mesin jahit!!

lepas siap pillow cover tu, terus move on to next mission, cushion cover..emir bought this cushion cover at the gardens few months back.been wanting big cushions to put in the living.boleh golek2 sambil tgk tv..but payah nk cari cover utk big cushion nih..30"x30" , i made it myself..beli kain kat ioi mall the night before sambil browsing for kain langsir...
this is the result...with one happy baby on it =)
i can't believe i managed to sew n bake in the same day. 1 type of cookies n i pillow cover n 2cushion cover.of course with the help of my dear emir watching the boys... rayyan was very eager to try my sewing machine as well, sibuk measure segala benda dlm rumah with the tape... hehehe
alhamdulillah... xsangka dlm kesibukan kerja, uruskan rumah dan anak2, i still managed to cover all these.... betul la kata kawan2 mommies yg lain, kalau dah get used dgn routine harian, kita akan dpt curi masa utk buat benda yg kita suka... even if we have to sacrifice sleeping hours..but so far, mai sleeping hours remains 10pm~5am...hehehe..bulan puasa mmg tido tv for me...
next is the big project, the curtains!!
good luck to me! hopefully it turns out fine... cuak!