yesterday, 17th April 2010 was our 7th year being couple... 7 years knowing each other.. nothing special..i got a sweet kiss as a present on that day and i guess the real present is on its way... :) i didn't prepare any present for him too, as i'm busy thinking about me & the baby lately... well, we both do..but, we didn't complain much for this special date.. we can always qada' later.. find a good time & space just to be alone without thinking about anything and enjoying 'me-&-him-only' time
on that very saturday morning, we woke up early as we have an appointment with makcik urut introduced by Dr. Z.. we were even invited to have breakfast at their house that morning.. feel a bit uneasy to crush someone's house early saturday morning.. tp org kata, rezeki jgn ditolak,kan? Dr. Z made a very special and yummy nasi lemak served with teh tarik air tangan abg Ha, her husband... sedap!! siap buat lagi 2nd round... rayyan makan nasi lemak bukan main selera, siap menjilat jari makan sambal ikan bilis..
at around 9ish, makcik urut dtg... urut kaki and ckp2 ngan baby supaya pusing..frankly,i'm amazed on how makcik urut tu ckp2 dgn adek and adek's reactions towards her... dgr cakap sungguh.kata makcik tu(i called her cik ros), baby akan dengar cakap mak,ayah & bidan... dunno how far true that is,but i witness one..i can feel adek moving inside me... i didn't feel anything weird or pain... alhamdulillah, until today i'm doing fine and adek's movement is still active(no unusual sign)... cik ros kata, org mengandung, biasanya waktu usia kandungan 5,7 dan 9bulan kena 'usik' sikit baby tu bg dia duduk elok kat dlm sana... is that what they call melenggang perut?? lupa pulak nk tanya. lps urut,sambung makan lagi while rayyan diapit bidadari2 Dr. Z yg tak bosan melayan kerenah rayyan... esp syasya nechan yg tahan kena buli dgn rayyan..
sblm balik, cik ros bg minyak kelapa untuk diminum utk memudahkan pergerakan baby dan air selusuh... igtkan kali nih, takde chance nk amek air selusuh sbb masa rayyan, buat air tu kat kampung bp.. alhamdulillah, kali nih pon dapat..xpayah pergi jauh2... minyak kelapa tu, minyak yg ditanak sendiri oleh cik ros.kena minum sebelum tidur. sblm minum, baca selawat 3x, fatihah 3x, surah al-ikhlas 3x dan bismillah 7x... air selusuh pulak utk disapu kat perut bila dah sampai tanda2 nk bersalin n diminum bila 'jalan' baby nak keluar dah terbuka...
maybe ada sesetengah pihak yg agak kurang yakin dgn teknik urut esp untuk membetulkan kedudukan baby dalam perut... maybe ada yg kata i'm desperate... well, i guess i am! i'm desperate to try anything to make sure both me and adek are gonna be fine.. if possible the natural way... tak salah mencuba dan ikhtiar yg mana kita rasakan baik... jgn la pergi tukang urut tah mana2 yg tatau kepakarannya... kena la rujuk dgn org2 yg ada pengalaman..sebelum pergi tu pon, i've done some reading about it... taktau nape mmg gerak hati tu kuat nk cuba dgn mak bidan dulu sblm jumpa doktor.mmg tak dinafikan ada la perasaan risau. tp dlm niat itu sbg satu usaha n tawakkal jer.. even doctor kat hospital nnti pon nak buat benda yg sama.. the difference is, they're gonna monitor the baby after the doc do the ECV(external cephalic version).. i saw it on u-tube how they done it.. no doubt that there might be complications during the ECV, but if you do it at the hospital it'll be safer in terms of getting u the best treatment if something occurs, also getting u straight to the OT room if the baby is at risk. my appointment for ECV with the doctor will be this tuesday... that's why i wanna give a try dgn cara tradisional dulu,mana tau adek pusing before we do the ecv at the hosp... which i don't know why but i always get a scary picture about that... ecv mak bidan sudah, next tunggu if we need ecv from specialist doc... along with that, i've never stop praying that whatever comes, whatever was written for us is surely the best from Allah... i'm preparing myself mentally & physically to get thru this.... insyaAllah, with all the supports and doa's from all...
for emir on our 7th declare-niversary
"you are every reason, every hope and every dream i've ever had,
and no matter what happens to us in the future,
everyday we are together is the greatest day of my life"
baby bump @ 36weeks(18th April '10)
enjoying my fav J.Co and hisashiburi no coffee
happened on the same day;
pali & family datang rumah.dpt jumpa bb izz muhammad mikael ... comel & bolat !!
emir cooked for lunch.. ayam masak kurma = sodap menjilat jari!
dvd time =shutter island (not bad!)
info on ECV
If your baby is still in a breech position by week 37 of your pregnancy, your doctor or midwife may try to turn it to the vertex (head-down) position using external cephalic version (ECV). In the hands of an experienced doctor or midwife, ECV is a very safe procedure with a success rate of 60 to 70 percent.
Approximately 4 percent of babies are breech, or in the feet or buttocks first position, at term (37 to 42 weeks). This may be caused by several conditions, including placenta previa, multiple fetuses, uterine abnormalities, fetal anomalies, poor uterine tone and prematurity. However, most cases have no apparent cause. Virtually all breech presentations are delivered via c-section, accounting for 12 percent of all c-section births. According to some experts, the routine use of ECV could reduce the rate of c-sections by approximately two-thirds.
Before attempting an ECV, your doctor will use ultrasound to confirm your baby’s size and position, the amount of amniotic fluid present, and the location of the placenta. He or she will continue to monitor your baby closely during the ECV for signs of stress and to verify its position. You will be given medication to relax your uterus and then your doctor or midwife will place both hands on your abdomen where the baby’s head and buttocks are located and apply pressure to turn the baby in a slow, gentle somersault. The baby is never forced to turn; ECV is done only if it can be done easily. However, you may feel a significant amount of pressure.
ECV is not attempted earlier than 37 weeks because the baby may revert back to the breech position before birth (about 4 percent of fetuses return to a breech position after a successful ECV), most babies rotate to the vertex position on their own by the 37th week, and if complications arise from the ECV the baby may have to be delivered by emergency c-section. ECV should be done either in or very near the labor and delivery area since immediate delivery in the event of a problem may be necessary. This is a rare occurrence but a possibility with the ECV procedure. However, ECV should be performed as soon as possible after the 37th week because the fetus small (while still considered full term), giving it more room to move, and it is still surrounded by a healthy amount of amniotic fluid (fluid levels begin to decrease towards the end of the pregnancy). If the ECV fails, it may be attempted again later.
The risks associated with ECV are minimal occurring only 1 to 2 percent of the time and include umbilical cord entanglement, abruption placenta, preterm labor, premature rupture of the membranes (PROM) and severe maternal discomfort.
Be sure to discuss ECV thoroughly with your doctor or midwife and resolve any questions or concerns you have. ECV should not be attempted if you have oligohydramnios (low amniotic fluid) or placenta previa, are in active labor, your water has broken, or if you are carrying more than one baby.
If you would like to try to turn your baby yourself, here are two simple techniques:
1- Handstands are reported as being the most successful technique to get a baby to turn. Perform them in a swimming pool where you will be safe if you tip over. Spend about 15 minutes warming up and then stand in water deep enough so that just your head is above water. Do 5 handstands in a row, remaining in the handstand as long as you can.
2-The same pelvic tilt that is used to strengthen your body for delivery and relieve back pain can also work to help your breech baby turn, and research shows this method has an 88 to 96 percent success rate. Try this exercise twice a day, for 10 minutes at a time, for 2 to 3 weeks starting around week 32. It is best if you perform this on an empty stomach. Lie flat on your back and raise your pelvis so that it is 9 to 12 inches above your head. Stay in this position for at least 5 minutes, but for no more than 15 minutes. This works by allowing gravity to push and tuck the baby's head into the fundus of the uterus where the baby often somersaults to a vertex position.