Syukur, Alhamdulillah...kebelakangan ni, byk dgr berita gembira..walaupun, bukan utk diri sendiri, tp mommy sama2 tumpang gembira..apatah lagi, insan2 itu adalah insan2 yg mommy sayang... ada yg bakal bertunang, ada yg bakal menjadi isteri, ada yg bakal menimang cahaya mata... yang lebih membuatkan mommy happy ialah insan2 ini, adalah insan2 yg sudah lama menanti sgt2 itu... benarlah janji2 Dia.. akan memberi pada yg meminta.kalau tidak cpt, mungkin hadirnya lmbt... kalau tidak diberi seperti yg diharapkan, Dia gantikan dgn yg lebih baik lagi... Maha Suci Allah... ku panjatkan syukur Ya Allah atas kurniaanMu kpdku dan insan2 disekelilingku...
27th Mac 2005~27th Mac 2010

gambar engagement yg xprofesional...masa tu hentam jer kamera biasa2.. xde official jurukamera pon
gambar engagement yg xprofesional...masa tu hentam jer kamera biasa2.. xde official jurukamera pon
this date 5years ago, i'm engaged to the love of my life. at 22years old, i was engaged to the man i've loved since i first laid my eyes on his sweet baby face.. of course, at that moment i kept the feelings to myself as i'm afraid that he might be someone's bf, fiance or anything... lucky me, he's single but hard to catch.ala2 gaya macho gitu.dah la si dia senior thn akhir, whilst i'm a 1st year junior. but they always says, love is, masa belajar di aaj lagi dah nekad dlm hati xnak couple dgn kawan sebaya & nk kawen dgn senpai..seriously.. segalanya bermula dgn niat..of course with good intentions laa..heheh..i made solat istikharah just to make sure that i'm doing the right thing..once i confessed my feelings,(yes,i'm the one who made the 1st move.. perigi carik timba?? x apply dah zaman canggih skg ni..don't you think?) he wanted me to be his girl for the rest of his life. i was lost in words to describe the feelings... i was speechless and i cried! Allah made it all easy for me after all the waitings,prayers and just one day,(coz we never talk much before that,didn't really knew much about each other) from a stranger we became couple... and alhamdulillah, became husband & wife, mommy & daddy together to beautiful kids,insyaAllah. inilah jejaka pojaan hatiku
why am i babling about this? engagement? actually,few days back,i got a great news from someone i love..she's gonna get engage this saturday, 27th Mac 2010! the very same date with my engagement date... she was there during my purple engagement day.infact,she's always there for me, for good and for bad... she's like my sister i never had.. i want to be there on her engagement day too, but unfortunately it's gonna be held in kedah & with me & my 33weeks pregnant belly, i'm afraid long distance trip is kalau nk sponsor tiket air asia, boleh jer ;) plus, there's gonna be a family 'kenduri' at Malacca at the same date... it's kinda frustating tho.. i really wanna be there to witness her special day.. i'll make sure that i'm gonna make it to her big day!
my BFF, cik Shuhaida Ismail
our trip to Korea celebrating new year 2006
sahabat susah senang
dear best friend, just ring me if you need anything!! i could be your wedding planner if you want..seriously! if you're reading this,please know that i love you & i'm sooo happy for you,dear! i almost cried when i heard the news... and Mr.X.. soon i'll have to share my precious friend with, do take a good care of her!
cik mai..hadiah xder ke?hehe...
hadiah kan dah dpt byk2 hantaran tu kan..hehe
Aaa..naruhodo. hehehe..
congrats kat kawan2 kita tu :D
betol la naz kata,ko dah byk dpt hadiah hantaran tu...apa kata pass sket kat kami2 pengantin pencen nih...hehehe
xyah bg kat ida,bg kat aku..sbb anniversary engagement aku kan? bleh laa...
marilah sama2 doakan mereka selamat sehingga diijabkabulkan...
wah2 omedetai hanashi...abih ketinggalan gara2 xda internet!!
omedetou kpd cik ida n her mr.right insyaAllah ;P
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