~Rayyan is 2years 4months 2weeks~
~mama is 18weeks &3days pregnant with adek~
this adek's picture from previous check up..next check up was scheduled last week but we're too busy with abang rayyan.pergi balik umah ummi everyday... it's very tiring ...abang rayyan, plis be a good boy and stay at home with k.yan will you?
as for adek, he/she is doing fine in mama's belly.. i can feel adek kicking now.. natsukashii.. lama dah xrasa baby kicking from inside my womb... but, haven't had the chance to have rayyan experience it too as the kicking is not very obvious.only a soft kick.tunggu adek besar sikit lagi...
now, i'm entering my 5th month, and when i'm pregnant with rayyan, we can already know the baby's sex by now... maybe during the next check up, that's if adek is in good position :)
so, adek keep on growing dear. we can't wait to meet you in person!!boleh temankan abg rayyan yg makin hari makin ngada2 nih...
in this photo, doctor said that adek nyer hidung nmpk mancung...hehehe.. can u all see it?

next, is the story of us going to Kuala Krai for Auntie Naz & Uncle Bashir's wedding. we started our day at 630a.m,amek uncle totoq,auntie ida, had breakfast at ampang first. then, started the looong journey at around 8a.m.arrived there at 2:30pm. it was raining when we reached there and the happy couple were having their makan beradap... although the pengantin perempuan nampak kami terus excited giller, hilang keayuan pengantinnya...hahaha..sasuga Naz! xboleh nk cover..even diri sendiri jd pengantin.masih dgn perangai kebudak-budakkannya.. the thing that makes me mengucap panjang ialah, pengantin pompuan lompat tangga.. hahaha.. sabauu jer la budak kecik nih...
apapun, she looks gorgeous in purple although i expected the theme to be in pink..she's a hello kitty & pink freak, no?? and it was a simple ceremony although we only got to witness the photography session and majlis potong cake...
abang rayyan

abang rayyan & mama

i-m-n... miss the other f-e-e

us & the newly wed

rayyan & the cake

and the must-make-mess

my boys.. look at rayyan gedikness

congratulations Naz & Bashir... i forgot to tell you that, i met both of your names side by side in the al-Quran... it's just like you both are really meant for each other.. it reads something like,"Naziran wa Bashira".. have a nice honeymoon in UK and don't forget our souvenierssss... for adek too ok?
Naz lompat tangga?ish3 *sambil geleng2 kepala* hahaha. sasuga naz!
itu laa pakai purple lak kan,ingatkn nak pinkish,hehe.pakai apapun,pengantin wajib chumel...
ewah rayyan skrg nmpk big boy betul,dah nk jd abang laa katakan...
sasuga naz desune ;)
rayyan bukan setakat big boy tp sungguh byk perangai skg nih... xterlayan..
amboii!!merah menyala cik ida kite..
mai, rayyan ngade2 tu biase la..dia tau mama dia pregnant tu..kasik can la..
waa korang pegi ek majlis naz. totoq pun ada!
kawin dah sorang lagi geng rpkj kita..hehe
haha naz2..ish2 :P
ikitakatta na~
tunggu ida n echo nye jelah ;)
oh right...see you guys blk nnt :D
sume org kata camtu...sbb nk dpt adek kot ek..tunggu dpt adek, bg dia jaga
alhamdulillah,seorang dah lagi dah selamat.boleh la masuk buku kira2 hang tu... bb dlm perut aku nih pon jgn lupa count.bln 5 thn dpn insyaAllah..hehehe
xpe2,majlis belah lelaki ada lagi..tp aku pon xsure bila.
bila mau pulang..udah rindu bangat nehh.. :P
after dapat adek lain pulak kisah nye..heheh..tanoshimi da ne..'bakal oneechan' ni pon mcm2 perangai..
wahh..k.azah pon peknen juger? maji3?? oshiete!!
hehehe..lambat sikit dr mai..skarang 12weeks..due akhir june
heheh yg belah bashir pun x sempat :(
dia the weekend ke next after aku balik.
aku nyer flight 24th tghari.
can't wait to see you guys too :)
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