i'm doing this on my 2days MC.heheh..due to my dental related excuse.selasa lepas sampai juga hajat nk cabut gigi bongsu yg segan2 nk keluar tu.i suffered two weeks of pain a month before,went to see the doctor but she said she can't take it out.not until the pain eased...so,i postponed iy until after the btn.i'm not willing to face it for the 2nd time so i decided to get it done last tuesday.yes,it's not easy..i'm very2 scared.plus,the doc said she had to make a minor surgery to remove the gum that's been covering the teeth underneath.horror...but, i set my mind that it wouldn't be as painful as giving birth,would it??the 20minutes work turned out fine.the anesthetic made my left side mouth numb even after it was done.other than that..nothing,no pain just a feel of something being plugged out from my set of teeth and my gum being sew...it isn't that bad rite? the worse part is,i felt dizzy after that and threw up.huhuhu.. i guess,all the fears had turn into dizziness. now,i think the gum is fine.after a week i have to see the doctor again to take out the string from the gum... i know, that sounds scary too.i'll worry about that later...
back to the main story...
menjawab tag drpd fith yg dah berkurun...knowing me yg byk sgt gmbr tp xreti handle,nak jawab kena korek2 dulu HD cari gmbr lama2..some missing(xigt letak mana),some
hangus(hilang bersama HD lama)...orang byk gmbr pastu xpandai wat filing sistem...camni laa :D
kami xde gmbr utk each anniversary mcm fith,
jeles la nii..hehehe..sbb ada anniversary yg xcelebrate bersama..kena duduk jauh2 :( tp mai korek2 gmbr ikut tahun.. kalau boleh nk letak byk2 tp kang mcm syiok sendiri pulak... so,here you go;
enjoy :)
these past 6years... 2003~2009
a caricature of Maisarah & Izmir
the history started during hanami 2003.. 13th april 2003 to be exact ;)
November 2004
October 2005(married after 2years knowing each other)
1st January 2006 (Korea)

April 2006
Mac 2007 (Universal Studios Japan, rayyan in my tummy 5months after 2years of marriage)
July 2007 (birth of Rayyan)
Mac 2008 (Langkawi)
2008 (mommy & daddy)
August 2008 ( the 3 of us
balik kampung)
Januari 2009 (Singapore)
"from one lonely soul,
came another soul to accompany
and then,
God gave them another soul to make them happier... "
terasa banyakknyer yg berlaku dlm masa hanya 6tahun...
dr seorang,jadi berdua n skg dah bertiga ;)
mai golden years!
bestnye dua2 badan tetap maintain jek. kami gak membesar ngan jayanye, hihi
habis tu bile nak berempat..! jgn tunggu lame-lame..! ehehehehe
si bini ni,alhamdulillah walaupon xde diet2 badan boleh maintain lagi,pipi je kadang2 kembang kempis..hehehe.yg cik abang tu mmg jaga badan :D
berempat ek?? insyaAllah,tgh tunggu rezeki Allah nk bg ;)
oh comelnye kak mai :) whee!
tq nani ;) semoga kita sama2 comel selalu..
Akhirnya dpt jugak tgk pic zaman muda2 dulu.nostalgia sungguh kan bila ingat2kan balik awal2 perkenalan dulu,hihi...
haa,dah tak lama la tu nak ber-4 kan,hehe.
insyaallah...tunggu rezeki Allah nk bg.tokorode, fith chan,tanjoubi omedetou!sweet2 selalu
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