alhamdulillah, parti hari lahir rayyan telah selamat berlangsung pd hari ahad yg lalu.26th July. luckily the exact date fell on sunday. a perfect day to have a party...a week before, mommy and daddy was busy preparing for rayyan's big day.from food,decorations,activities for the kids so they don't get bored,goodies bags etc... now i know, it's not easy to arrange a party especially in a hall..eventhough the hall was not that big...we tried to keep everyone entertained with what we had and i guess we managed to reached that goal,more or less....with the help from family and my 2 superb assistant who slept over at our house from friday night.thank you auntie Ida & auntie Naz..also thanks to K. Jue sbb tolong masakkan spageti all have been a great help!
here's how we started the day,26th July 2009
rayyan was still asleep when mommy n daddy woke was auntie ida & naz..hehehe.derang stay up buat preparation the previous night,that's why...mommy & daddy went to the market to buy some groceries.when they came back,rayyan was still sound asleep.auntie ida & auntie naz was already in the kitchen helping with the around 10.30am,rayyan woke good mood for his big day. mommy knew, rayyan wouldn't wanna take his nap that day because he's gonna be enjoying his day with so many friends later.good thing he woke up late...last thing mommy wanted, was rayyan being clingy and cranky on his own party...
rayyan was born at 12:58pm..before the party which was scheduled to start at 3pm,around 1ish we sang him a birthday song. he was giving us his senyum simpul and even practice to blow the candles...130pm baru bergegas ke dewan nk prepare balloons, decorations and the kids play zone.agak rushing jugak laa...around 230pm dah ada guests yg sampai...siap tolong gantung2kan belon..sorry sgt2 and tq for the help..hehehe
the party started at 310pm.dimulakan dgn bacaan doa dan diikuti dgn nyanyian birthday song for the birthday boy.after that,tiup lilin and potong kek..pandai rayyan tiup candles..
ok..enough elaboration..let's take a look at some photos. i wish i had hired a proper photographer... there are not many pictures..a lot of scene missed.. :( but anyway,thank you to my BIL for these pictures...
Rayyan's birthday cake... my MIL bought it for rayyan.icing telah dinodai masa nk keluarkan kek...huhuhu

singing the birthday song

"wahhh, a lot of people sing for me..."

time to blow those 2 candles! (xrugi practice :D)

this is the only picture of the 3 of us on that day... well,better than nothing,aite?

makan time!!

Rayyan with auntie naz

the kids,colouring books, and mini basketball net game(not in the picture) were prepared for the kids...(orang tua pon main gak basketball tu..huhuh) that cute little girl is alya, muda 10hari jer dpd rayyan..she's beautiful,isn't she?

Rayyan welcoming the guests...

the kids playing with bubbles...

presents unwrapping session!!

thank you for the presents!! rayyan+mommy&daddy loves everything...

early presents from uncle yoi&auntie syana..pandai tak rayyan bukak hadiah??

presents from mommy..more and more mega bloks and a junior basketball game set... mommy wants me to practice shooting from now... :)

rayyan would like to thank all for the wishes and it!

nota hujung kaki : now i realize something... i miss my dslr,my photography and rayyan's nice pictures... owhhh, i need to get my hands back on camera!! be more productive... gambare maii!!