~Rayyan is 1year 7months & 2weeks old~

well,turns out the induksi was not so bad after all... i enjoyed myself these 3days.. i survived 3days with happy face everyday...lucky me!
actually, this time not all the participants are from UM.. we combine with UPNM..haaa,tau apa UPNM? hihih.. mommy pon baru jer tau.. Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia.apparently,this university was opened in 2006..baru jer U nih. and from what i've been told,they have students learning the exact same course like we used to have in normal universities such as engineering etc but they're gonna be in military or something like that after graduate... UPNM is located at Kem Sungai Besi. i heard their VC pangkat Lt.Jeneral..woww!! u can find more here
http://www.upnm.edu.my/media/v3/.luckily this time, there are quite a number of lectures from UPNM who joined us. so seronok jugak..dkt sana pun ada Pusat Asasi.. most of them are very friendly and slumber..senang nk masuk...
for now the talk was interesting. i've never failed to keep my eyes open so far.yeayy me!! people who knew me knows that i'm a pretty good sleeper when it comes to keeping up with people talking for hours especially on things that is very academic... lps tu,sambil dgr kena salin2 nota.. dah berapa tahun meninggalkan dunia tulis2 pakai tangan byk2 nih, naik lenguh tangan menyalin.. dah abis salin baru la penceramah tu kata leh 'sedut' jer slide guna thumb drive..uisshh2..all in all,í love the talk about public speaking, i love the speaker yg slumber wat lawak sampai xlarat nk gelak, i love my new friends..baru jer kenal,dah mesra... and most of all, i love the foods.. always on front row when it comes to meal time...hahahah..
sbb ada geng,kalau tidak mesti tersipu2 wat muka sardin jer.
yg tak besnyer, tang kena buat tugasan. ada tugasan individu & tugasan kumpulan.. kena buat macam report gitu.. aduih,dah lama tak kena hantar report.. but i think my group members are okay laa.. reliable & boleh diharap
that's all for my boring updates. so basically, please ignore all my worries from my previous entry. tak boleh pakai.. tu laa, kena fikir positif lenkali.. hehehe
jya!! ashita mo mata gambarimassssu!!
owh...berkenaan dgn title for this post... seorang penceramah mengajukan soalan nih tadi n makes me think...my answer to that will be;
"Matlamat Hidup Mommy Rayyan ialah untuk Hidup Bahagia (dunia & akhirat,insyaAllah)"
the word 'bahagia' itslef has a big meaning, but each of us know when do we feel bahagia..kan?? maybe it differs from each individuals but, we should be happy! no matter if we don't own big houses, luxury cars, pretty face, popularity and whatsoever that relates to that..we should be gratefull and enjoy our time.. rayyan is my symbol of happiness
(even if his act is beyond my patience sometimes) life is short to be spent on worrying all the time rite? ... let life flow..
jadi, apakah matlamat hidup anda?
you can keep the answer to urself and believe you can achieve it even if others think it's impossible!
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