Tuesday, January 23, 2007
mommy's dearest,
how are you?i'm still missing you..but i have a lot of work to do this 4coming weeks that i have to concentrate.. urghh...thank God i'm not alone..
as today is mommy's 24th birthday.kalu org selalu wat azam baru bila masuk tahun baru..mommy wat azam baru evertime i celebrate another year of my life..i can't think much of what i wanna do this year except that i'm gonna try to be the best as i can as your mother,insyaAllah and be a better wife..hehehe..plus,kalu selamat grad and balik msia nnti,mommy nk selalu balik kampung BP melawat atuk n family and spend masa kat sana byk2..azam once a month...insyaAllah.
for mommy's frens,
thank u for the birthday wishes..thank you ida for the JPG perfume..minus 1 from my wish list.thank you to elah and echo also,for the cutey little teddy+buckingham palace omiyage and not to forget the tiny thingy.i can't fit in it..for another 7/8 months i guess..but that's cute of both of you...so far..rasanyer birthday kali nih mcm xberapa nk celebrate coz byk sgt menda nk kena buat.dgn exam n ronbun..aduhaii..xtau la sempat ke x..all in all..it was great however..considering i got gifts and my beloved husband got me cake and oh,not to forget..accidently,gave me the same birthday card just like last year..without even realizing it..hahahha..lawak giller..but this year,nanka lebih special..maybe sbb ada baby in me kot..huhuh..hopefully next year i'll have the chance to celebrate with baby and hubby(hopefully not another same birthday card..again),family and you all..
semoga Allah iringi segala usaha kita dgn redha-Nya dan dipermudahkan segala urusan kita semua..
love u baby..and thank you daddy for the 'surprise'..u did well dear.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
hit list
interesting things during my pregnancy..
hit songs:
2)Sorafune(My boss My hero theme song)
4) Never Let Go(Bryan Adams)
hit movies:
2)Casino Royale(xtgk lg)
3)The Holiday(tgk kat umh je)
4)The Guardian
hit news:
1)banjir kat kampung mommy-johor including batu pahat(dikatakan daerah paling teruk dilanda banjir).tp umah atuk selamat
2)aishwarya(mommy's fav actress) got enggaged with Abishek Bachan(son of the famous Amitabh Bachan)
actually,this is not the global list or something.just some few things that i'm attracted to.so,much more of 'MAI hit list'..heheh
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
i miss you..miss you..
hi baby! hope u're doing fine.actually,i missss u sooo much.hmm,is it weird to miss someone who is really near to ur heart? well,only one in pregnant-land knows..
kalu sebelum nih(1st trimester),i'll have the chance to see u every two weeks,but now only once a month..next check up will be 7th feb 2007.lamanyer lagi..at that time,how big will u grow?can't wait...
last week,mommy received a gift from mommy's dearest friend in France.Christian Dior's Pure Poison perfume set.really love it..thank u to that person..=)
malam kelmarin,mommy and daddy was sitting together reading pregnancy books together.the book said that i shud keep a journal or a blog about us and my feeling during pregnancy.it said to keep two:1 for the good feelings and happy moments and another for all the worst moments and bad words i wanna write..and then,when u're old enuff..or when it's ur turn to have a baby,i shud hand those to you...interesting huh?but i just keep one..i hope u'll have the chance to look at it when the time comes...
now i'm in the last week of the 1st trimester.i really like to jot down my 'like and dislikes' during this trimester..but nothing in particular to write except that i always felt fatigue and lazy.foods? hmm..hard to say,coz sometimes when i see the food i don't feel like eating it,but when i start eating it..turn out i like it or sometimes..just seeing the 'mitame' of the food makes me loya2..and the most obvious thing esp now,is that i always have the mood to eat..even if i'm not hungry. ohhh! i know..last few weeks i always drink muscat tea.i remember one time i even drank two pack(2x500ml) a day..does that count as my fav during 1st trimester??hehe..
and i thank God n you coz i don't feel extreme nausea,morning sickness etc.. lot of people said i'm lucky..
my belly is getting bigger esp after meal.i really need new pants,but i'm not thinking of buying maternity clothes now.maybe wait for a while for those loose and cozy clothes.but really..i need new pants..
hmm...books says that i'll start craving certain food while entering the 2nd trimester.at this time,i always crave for fruits..esp melon.but during winter it's kinda hard to find melon and if there is the price is like unbelivable...melon,melon,melon...kalu kat msia..puas dah makan..
ok..gtg..be gud,ok.this two months,gambarou!
lots of love,
Sunday, January 14, 2007
my baby diary..not mine
my dear baby..how are you sayang?i miss u already..if only i could see u everyday..u look beautiful u know..even in there..u look just beautiful..
last check up,i saw u moving ur hands like playing with something.aktif betul anak mommy..pandai posing pulak tu..hehehhe..in mommy's eyes laa.here i attached along your pic.you're 55mm long..mommy dunno ur weight,tp berat mommy naik sket walaupon mommy xmkn apa2 before the check up,45.3kg..0.3kg(i tot i didn't eat enuff..)but the doc warned me not to gain too much weight.not good for me n you.
another new news;my blood test.actually,i'm really looking forward for the result.i never knew my blood type all my life..also wanna know if there's any complications with my pregnancy...well.u know what??turned out i'm B type(rhesus+)..just the same blood type as your dad..guess u'll be having the same blood type too..no choice,sorry.hehehhe..
other test turned out fine and my pregnancy is normal.the doc said,there's nothing to worry.i just have to take care of myself and you..eat good food,take enuff rest(i over-rested i think..),exercise..bla..blaa..blaa..(the old information for both of us..ihih).
ermm..what else i wanna say?so far,this weekend..nothing special.just the ordinary routine of wasting time sleeping till noon..jalan2..nyanyi2..the old fashion friendship stuff that is so "lapuk" to talk about..urghhh..my blood did go upstairs though.but,hey..maybe that's the hormone talking!YES!!..always blame the hormone...hahahah.tp malas dah nk pk..mommy don't wanna ruin you..u're too 'young' to know all this..heheh..don't 'eat'(read as:inherit?) that from me ok..take only all the good things..aahhh...dah ngarut dahh..
..maybe it's hard to tell 'where u are' in this pic..but,gambatte!kalu xtau nnti mommy tunjuk.and along with it is a pic of the book dad bought for u.yes..your 1st book.but we'll write it for u.heheh..also 母子健康手帳(mommy and baby diary)..buku note wajib bawa everytime gi check up.
we love you! ummuuahhss!
note:my belly-69cm
blood pressure-119/50
last check up,i saw u moving ur hands like playing with something.aktif betul anak mommy..pandai posing pulak tu..hehehhe..in mommy's eyes laa.here i attached along your pic.you're 55mm long..mommy dunno ur weight,tp berat mommy naik sket walaupon mommy xmkn apa2 before the check up,45.3kg..0.3kg(i tot i didn't eat enuff..)but the doc warned me not to gain too much weight.not good for me n you.
another new news;my blood test.actually,i'm really looking forward for the result.i never knew my blood type all my life..also wanna know if there's any complications with my pregnancy...well.u know what??turned out i'm B type(rhesus+)..just the same blood type as your dad..guess u'll be having the same blood type too..no choice,sorry.hehehhe..
other test turned out fine and my pregnancy is normal.the doc said,there's nothing to worry.i just have to take care of myself and you..eat good food,take enuff rest(i over-rested i think..),exercise..bla..blaa..blaa..(the old information for both of us..ihih).
ermm..what else i wanna say?so far,this weekend..nothing special.just the ordinary routine of wasting time sleeping till noon..jalan2..nyanyi2..the old fashion friendship stuff that is so "lapuk" to talk about..urghhh..my blood did go upstairs though.but,hey..maybe that's the hormone talking!YES!!..always blame the hormone...hahahah.tp malas dah nk pk..mommy don't wanna ruin you..u're too 'young' to know all this..heheh..don't 'eat'(read as:inherit?) that from me ok..take only all the good things..aahhh...dah ngarut dahh..
..maybe it's hard to tell 'where u are' in this pic..but,gambatte!kalu xtau nnti mommy tunjuk.and along with it is a pic of the book dad bought for u.yes..your 1st book.but we'll write it for u.heheh..also 母子健康手帳(mommy and baby diary)..buku note wajib bawa everytime gi check up.
we love you! ummuuahhss!
note:my belly-69cm
blood pressure-119/50
Monday, January 8, 2007
gone the holidays
lamanyer x update..sorry baby.bila xpegi check up..xtau lak mommy nk update apa kat sini.next check up will be on this wednesday 12pm.daddy nk ikut tp timing mcm xkena..
puas betul mommy berjalan sepanjang holiday ni.fukui-mie-tokyo..jauhnyer.sempat shopping kat nagashima outlet.mommy beli sunglasses,fukubukuro body shop n a jacket.besh betul shopping.mentang2 ada org layan..and not to forget,thank you to cik iza(she said,she dont want u to call her auntie..hihih..) for the warm treat there.cik iza masak sedap2 utk kitorang(esp mommy..).kebetulan,ada jamuan hari raya haji kat situ,kami pon tumpang sekaki menjamu sate,nasi impit,pulut kuning n rendang..sedap!!lama xmkn pulut kuning. puas hati!
lenkali leh la selalu dtg tpt cik iza..=)
balik from mie,mommy n daddy naik shinkansen ke tokyo for our new car.mommy's fav Honda Stream!
puas betul mommy berjalan sepanjang holiday ni.fukui-mie-tokyo..jauhnyer.sempat shopping kat nagashima outlet.mommy beli sunglasses,fukubukuro body shop n a jacket.besh betul shopping.mentang2 ada org layan..and not to forget,thank you to cik iza(she said,she dont want u to call her auntie..hihih..) for the warm treat there.cik iza masak sedap2 utk kitorang(esp mommy..).kebetulan,ada jamuan hari raya haji kat situ,kami pon tumpang sekaki menjamu sate,nasi impit,pulut kuning n rendang..sedap!!lama xmkn pulut kuning. puas hati!
lenkali leh la selalu dtg tpt cik iza..=)
balik from mie,mommy n daddy naik shinkansen ke tokyo for our new car.mommy's fav Honda Stream!
so,what do u think?nice?mommy prefer black colour though..but,all in all the car is perfect..with sunroof,navigation n tv,md n cd player..good condition.
so,esok daddy is back to work and mommy back to school..huhuhu..hampir terlupa i have BIG exam in less than a month.snow pon xteruk mcm last years.so,xde la taihen sgt nk jln ke sekolah.tp sejuk Subhanallah!heheh
ok laa..sampai sini dulu.nnti lps check mommy will come up with ur new pic ok.stay healthy n strong! baibai dear..lots of love from mommy..mmmuuahhs!
dedication:hepi birthday to auntie ida(5th jan),auntie yus(8th jan).may u all have a wonderful year ahead.
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