hi sayang mommy...
today we went for check up back at sougou byouin.different doc treat us.i loveee this doc.he's a cheerful person and very kind.he even try to explain to me in english.appreciate it!
here's your picture taken today.you're 9weeks and 4days.u're 25mm long.i can see your hands clearly like you're playing.your heart beat strongly.the doctor even gave me a video tape of your movement in my tummy.it'll record your growth each time we go for check up.nice huh? later on,daddy can watch it when he arrived.u too can watch it one day,insyaAllah..
we also did the blood test.the strange thing is i'm not afraid at all n not even feel dizzy as last time i did blood test i almost faint.this must be a miracle from you.seeing u in there made me strong and fearless.keep growing sayang...
by the next check up,kita kena pegi amek boshi kenkou techou(mommy and baby's diary).yg macam miki chan dlm "14sai no haha" tu...diary utk both of us for the doctor to keep track of our health and your growth.tunggu daddy dtg la nnti kita gi amek,okay..moga daddy cepat datang..amin..
petang td,mommy letih sangat.sampai tertido kat lab(patut letak katil la kat lab..hihih).mmg dah xlarat.nk balik xboleh sbb ada seminar ptg tu.baby pon kena dgr seminar pasal nuclear energy...huhuhu..syiann baby mommy..dlm perut lg dah kena dgr lecture.xpe..maybe it's gud for you.hari2 pegi lab..hari2 exercise(jalan kaki pegi balik univ) dgn mommy..alhamdulillah,so far u're being such a gud baby.u didn't give me trouble at all..cuma mommy selalu cepat rasa letih..but,it's nothing.i can handle that..hehehhe
ok sayang,jom tidur..esok ada kelas applied math.kena bangun pagi2.let our beauty sleep...huhuh
gambatte baby! minggu depan mommy ada presentation..gambarou!!
wah wah wah....daddy pun nak kena tengok la cete eragon tu...mummy kata best sesangat...hmm..tengok2 anak daddy nanti suke tgk auction gak macam daddy hihihi...
mai deary,it's good to hear u n the baby 're doing well =) stay strong k...u have thousads of people around u to support u whenever n wherever =)if u're coming to mie,just name what do u wish to have,i'll cook them for you...hehhehehe.....
ayang:cite eragon besh..nnti awk dtg cni tgk lagi nk??heheh
iza:how sweeeett..thank you a lot.i'm really looking forward to c you this holiday..nnti discuss ngan stpk dulu camne ye?kalu jd dtg,i'll give you a call..tp aku xleh nnti roller coaster..boring laa..
p/s:beware of my appetite..heheh
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