Friday, December 29, 2006
daddy arrived today!
alhamdulillah,daddy dah selamat sampai 11:11pg glad to see him..これから、もう一人じゃない(from now on,we're not alone anymore..)
daddy,来てくれてありがとう(thank you for coming).
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
i love holidayss...
baby deary,
mommy lovee holidayss...well..who doesn't?heheh
now,the holiday has started..and i'm counting days,hours to meet ur daddy...hopefully,everything goes as plan.
this is just winter holiday,not the final holiday but i'm really looking forward to it and it feels reeaallly good to be free..even for a while(remind me i have to study for applied math exam end of Jan..urghh!!) but now,i wanna enjoy this holiday before the hectic season comes again..
i wanna make plan to go somewhere this holiday.looking for a good place to visit and have some fun with ur dad..any idea?anywhere u wanna visit before we went back to m'sia?hihihi
so,for the mean time,i'm gonna spend time reading some books on much too learn...but i enjoy reading about your growth every weeks...can't wait for ur 1st kick..although right now i don't feel like a pregnant woman(girl??) gud for another 3months ok dear...
these are the books..1st two are from ur dad..and the last one was a gift from aunt mizot (hahah..nanka klaka..)thank you daddy n aunt mizot!! ummmuuahs

mommy lovee holidayss...well..who doesn't?heheh
now,the holiday has started..and i'm counting days,hours to meet ur daddy...hopefully,everything goes as plan.
this is just winter holiday,not the final holiday but i'm really looking forward to it and it feels reeaallly good to be free..even for a while(remind me i have to study for applied math exam end of Jan..urghh!!) but now,i wanna enjoy this holiday before the hectic season comes again..
i wanna make plan to go somewhere this holiday.looking for a good place to visit and have some fun with ur dad..any idea?anywhere u wanna visit before we went back to m'sia?hihihi
so,for the mean time,i'm gonna spend time reading some books on much too learn...but i enjoy reading about your growth every weeks...can't wait for ur 1st kick..although right now i don't feel like a pregnant woman(girl??) gud for another 3months ok dear...
these are the books..1st two are from ur dad..and the last one was a gift from aunt mizot (hahah..nanka klaka..)thank you daddy n aunt mizot!! ummmuuahs

Wednesday, December 20, 2006
9weeks 4days

hi sayang mommy...
today we went for check up back at sougou byouin.different doc treat us.i loveee this doc.he's a cheerful person and very kind.he even try to explain to me in english.appreciate it!
here's your picture taken're 9weeks and 4days.u're 25mm long.i can see your hands clearly like you're playing.your heart beat strongly.the doctor even gave me a video tape of your movement in my'll record your growth each time we go for check up.nice huh? later on,daddy can watch it when he arrived.u too can watch it one day,insyaAllah..
we also did the blood test.the strange thing is i'm not afraid at all n not even feel dizzy as last time i did blood test i almost faint.this must be a miracle from you.seeing u in there made me strong and fearless.keep growing sayang...
by the next check up,kita kena pegi amek boshi kenkou techou(mommy and baby's diary).yg macam miki chan dlm "14sai no haha" tu...diary utk both of us for the doctor to keep track of our health and your growth.tunggu daddy dtg la nnti kita gi amek,okay..moga daddy cepat datang..amin..
petang td,mommy letih sangat.sampai tertido kat lab(patut letak katil la kat lab..hihih).mmg dah xlarat.nk balik xboleh sbb ada seminar ptg pon kena dgr seminar pasal nuclear energy...huhuhu..syiann baby mommy..dlm perut lg dah kena dgr lecture.xpe..maybe it's gud for you.hari2 pegi lab..hari2 exercise(jalan kaki pegi balik univ) dgn mommy..alhamdulillah,so far u're being such a gud baby.u didn't give me trouble at all..cuma mommy selalu cepat rasa letih..but,it's nothing.i can handle that..hehehhe
ok sayang,jom tidur..esok ada kelas applied math.kena bangun pagi2.let our beauty sleep...huhuh
gambatte baby! minggu depan mommy ada presentation..gambarou!!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
mommy's eragon fever

hello dear tiny-little-baby of mine,
how are you doing in there dear?feeling comfortable?hope u're having a good time wif mommy..
so,just now,we just watched ERAGON ..again! heheh
did you enjoy it?i know i do.. i'm sooo really into that movie now.i dunno why..maybe because the dragon is cute,or maybe because the hero Eragon(Edward Speleers) himself is 'cute'..heheh.can't wait for the next movie to come up..maybe we can watch together again..(of course wif u not inside in my tummy,anymore..insyaAllah)
rite now,mommy is thinking about buying the whole series of books to read.wut do u think?should i?well,i can save it for you when you're old enough to read,rite? jauhnyer mommy nyer harm in dreaming dear..remember that!
well,even though during mommy's childhood i read books like,"the ugly duckling","humpty dumpty",all the fairy tales stories like,"cinderella","snow white n the 7dwarfs" and a few more.sket je sister maybe thought i'm no good wif books..or they might not have the budget to get me more books...all in all,it was enough..i' happy wif my childhood..full of adventures.i hope yours too..
so,i guess we stop here okay dear.esok mommy nk gi survey the i wish i can share all this wif u now..go to the book store together and search for the books we love..share and exchange thoughts..i can feel u're better than your daddy about this kinda thing.get it from my gene..hihihi..i wish!
nitey nite strong..keep holding on,okay
i quote this from avril lavigne latest single-keep holding on,for you..for both of us and for the three of us =)
how are you doing in there dear?feeling comfortable?hope u're having a good time wif mommy..
so,just now,we just watched ERAGON ..again! heheh
did you enjoy it?i know i do.. i'm sooo really into that movie now.i dunno why..maybe because the dragon is cute,or maybe because the hero Eragon(Edward Speleers) himself is 'cute'..heheh.can't wait for the next movie to come up..maybe we can watch together again..(of course wif u not inside in my tummy,anymore..insyaAllah)
rite now,mommy is thinking about buying the whole series of books to read.wut do u think?should i?well,i can save it for you when you're old enough to read,rite? jauhnyer mommy nyer harm in dreaming dear..remember that!
well,even though during mommy's childhood i read books like,"the ugly duckling","humpty dumpty",all the fairy tales stories like,"cinderella","snow white n the 7dwarfs" and a few more.sket je sister maybe thought i'm no good wif books..or they might not have the budget to get me more books...all in all,it was enough..i' happy wif my childhood..full of adventures.i hope yours too..
so,i guess we stop here okay dear.esok mommy nk gi survey the i wish i can share all this wif u now..go to the book store together and search for the books we love..share and exchange thoughts..i can feel u're better than your daddy about this kinda thing.get it from my gene..hihihi..i wish!
nitey nite strong..keep holding on,okay
i quote this from avril lavigne latest single-keep holding on,for you..for both of us and for the three of us =)

You're not alone
Together we stand
I'll be by your side
You know I'll take your hand
When it gets cold
And it feels like the end
There's no place to go
You know I won't give in
No, I won't give in
Keep holding on
Cause you know
we'll make it through
We'll make it through
Just stay strong
Cause you know I'm here for you
I'm here for you
There's nothing you can say
Nothing you can do
There's no other way
when it comes to the truth
So, keep holding on
Cause you know we'll
make it through
We'll make it through
So far away
I wish you were here
Before it's too late
This could all disappear
Before the door's closed
And it comes to an end
With you by my side
I will fight and defend
I'll fight and defend, yeah, yeah
Hear me when I say
When I say I believe.
Nothing's gonna change
Nothing's gonna change destiny
Whatever's meant to be
Will work out perfectly
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
petikan surah Luqman
[13] Dan (ingatlah) ketika Luqman berkata kepada anaknya, semasa dia memberi nasihat kepadanya: Wahai anak kesayanganku, janganlah engkau mempersekutukan Allah (dengan sesuatu yang lain), sesungguhnya perbuatan syirik itu adalah satu kezaliman yang besar.
[14] Dan Kami wajibkan manusia berbuat baik kepada kedua ibu bapanya; ibunya telah mengandungnya dengan menanggung kelemahan demi kelemahan (dari awal mengandung hingga akhir menyusunya) dan tempoh menceraikan susunya ialah dalam masa dua tahun; (dengan yang demikian) bersyukurlah kepadaKu dan kepada kedua ibubapamu; dan (ingatlah), kepada Akulah jua tempat kembali (untuk menerima balasan).
[15] Dan jika mereka berdua mendesakmu supaya engkau mempersekutukan denganKu sesuatu yang engkau dengan fikiran sihatmu tidak mengetahui sungguh adanya maka janganlah engkau taat kepada mereka dan bergaullah dengan mereka di dunia dengan cara yang baik dan turutlah jalan orang-orang yang rujuk kembali kepadaKu (dengan tauhid dan amal-amal yang soleh). Kemudian kepada Akulah tempat kembali kamu semuanya, maka Aku akan menerangkan kepada kamu segala yang kamu telah kerjakan.
[16] (Luqman menasihati anaknya dengan berkata): Wahai anak kesayanganku, sesungguhnya jika ada sesuatu perkara (yang baik atau yang buruk) sekalipun seberat bijih sawi serta ia tersembunyi di dalam batu besar atau di langit atau pun di bumi, sudah tetap akan dibawa oleh Allah (untuk dihakimi dan dibalasNya); kerana sesungguhnya Allah Maha Halus pengetahuanNya; lagi Amat Meliputi akan segala yang tersembunyi.
[17] Wahai anak kesayanganku, dirikanlah sembahyang dan suruhlah berbuat kebaikan, serta laranglah daripada melakukan perbuatan yang mungkar dan bersabarlah atas segala bala bencana yang menimpamu. Sesungguhnya yang demikian itu adalah dari perkara-perkara yang dikehendaki diambil berat melakukannya.
[18] Dan janganlah engkau memalingkan mukamu (kerana memandang rendah) kepada manusia, dan janganlah engkau berjalan di bumi dengan berlagak sombong; sesungguhnya Allah tidak suka kepada tiap-tiap orang yang sombong takbur, lagi membanggakan diri.
[19] Dan sederhanakanlah langkahmu semasa berjalan, juga rendahkanlah suaramu (semasa berkata-kata), sesungguhnya seburuk-buruk suara ialah suara keldai.
[34] Sesungguhnya di sisi Allah pengetahuan yang tepat tentang hari kiamat dan Dialah jua Yang Menurunkan hujan dan Yang Mengetahui dengan sebenar-benarnya tentang apa yang ada dalam rahim (ibu yang mengandung) dan tiada seseorang pun yang betul mengetahui apa yang akan diusahakannya esok (samada baik atau jahat); dan tiada seorangpun yang dapat mengetahui di bumi negeri manakah dia akan mati. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui, lagi Amat Meliputi pengetahuanNya.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
i love you baby

just wanna say..mommy love you and can't wait to see you.
i love you..i love you..i love your daddy and i miss him badly!
but now that i have you in me..i can talk to you..yo can hear me rite?hear mommy babbling bubble bee
i really love put aside my fear with all the needles,medicine,docs and really are a miracle that grow in me.
today we went to the clinic for influenza shot as mommy can't sleep at nite with these flu and cough.mentang2 la clinic sebelah rumah je,sket2 nk gi klinik je..huhu..esok mcm kena gi lg sbb ada ubat to mommy rasa the nurse gave me the 'wrong' one.and i do have to ask the doc to do me a favor.
this is your pic 7weeks 1day
i love you..i love you..i love your daddy and i miss him badly!
but now that i have you in me..i can talk to you..yo can hear me rite?hear mommy babbling bubble bee
i really love put aside my fear with all the needles,medicine,docs and really are a miracle that grow in me.
today we went to the clinic for influenza shot as mommy can't sleep at nite with these flu and cough.mentang2 la clinic sebelah rumah je,sket2 nk gi klinik je..huhu..esok mcm kena gi lg sbb ada ubat to mommy rasa the nurse gave me the 'wrong' one.and i do have to ask the doc to do me a favor.
this is your pic 7weeks 1day
Friday, December 8, 2006
7weeks 1day
hari ni pegi wat check up lagi sekali.dr smlm badan rasa xsihat,mcm demam..kepala rasa berat plus,sakit tekak yg agak teruk..
kali nih x ke hospital sbb xlarat nk jalan kaki sampai ke sougou,hari ni ke klinik yg dekat sblh umh.jln kaki xsampai 3min.kos perubatan pon lebih kurang dgn hospital.korekara,pergi klinik ni je kot.lgpon nnti kalu yuki dah melebat,lg taihen nk berulang alik ke byouin.sensei pon ok.xramai org so xyah menunggu lama.
hari ni,doc buat lg chouonpa(ultrasound).i saw're moving kat klinik nih xleh lak nk dgr ur heart beat...zannen.but,i asked the doc though,and he said ur heart beat is normal."genki ni ugoitemasuyo.."tte..relief..
u're growing bigger..i guess you're about 1cm long.u 're active..i hope you grow healthy n strong.although i feel weak sometimes..
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
your picture 5weeks in mommy's womb
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
the day i know you're coming
it was nite,cold and i'm not feeling well(emotionally..huhu).dated 28th november around 00:05am.i was sooo happy and can't help smiling all the way to bed.can't sleep..thinking about you.
i was a mess and stress with all my problems...i always felt alone.but,when i know that u're coming...i feel better.i feel like i'm not alone anymore.
your dad? he was shocked at first.we're shocked but me,i kinda guess that you would come.but,don't worry dear.daddy is just trying to figure the best for you and's his first time too.
hmm..what else?
today,29th november i went to the hospital by bicycle with aunt ida n aunt jijah..heheh.thanx to them for accompanying me cos daddy can't come.
the doctor made some test including the supersonic wave test.i saw you in the 'tv'.you're sooo small like a peanut.i heard your heart beat was so clear..nice to hear the doc said that you're growing're 5weeks old in my tummy..4mm long..
i also got your picture.i'm gonna put it here so that daddy can see it too.he misses you everyday...i know he's gonna be a great dad to you.i even had a dream of you two playing bowling a few nites back..heheh..
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