i must warn you... before you proceed reading further, cerita ini ada babak2 mengerikan... ada part yg tidak sesuai dibaca oleh budak2 kecik dan mereka2 yg lemah semangat...
seperti yg orang selalu kata, lain anak, lain pengalaman mengandungkannya, melahirkannya and of course membesarkannya... i wanna tell about my birth experience bringing rifqi into this world... a good thing to share with other mommies, as i myself love watching birth stories in DHH channel astro... n most of the time, i cried! who doesn't,right? giving birth is not an easy task n believe me, even if those mommies look cool and relax, i'm sure they are also as worried as i do everytime delivery times approach.so many possibilities, risky and no one knows exactly what's gonna happen for sure.
so, here's the story about the birth of mai Muhammad Rifqi Aydeen;
still making my effort to the office eventhough i can feel slight pain in the stomach n waist. masa kat ofis, siap ada contraction masa tgh ckp2 dgn boss... boss pesan kalau ada apa2 bitau dia cpt2...hehehe..saya sengih jer... gi ke rumah u gi beli lunch when usually malas nk berjalan kaki tgh panas.but i can't risk skipping meal because i can be in labour any time which needs me to be as energetic as i should...sempat pergi ke printing section settlekan kertas2 yg perlu derang siapkan utk semester ni...tp xsempat siap jugak.nasib baik dah wasiatkan awal2 kat fazian sensei utk tgk2 kan in case bb kuar awal. sempat tulis 2 entries utk blog as i told earlier(1published on the same day,another scheduled for the next day,which is adek's birth day). keluar ofis around 5pm...
malam tu,masa tgh tgk tv yg xde rancangan best.. dah mula sakit2.. tp kejap2 jer n selang masa jauh.around 10pm camtu... makin lama makin kerap lak dtg sakitnyer..tp still tak terfikir nk beranak...
bila masuk pkl 12mlm, dah mula tonggeng2,buat senaman itu ini nk kurangkan sakit dgn bantuan emirr.. we jot down the time and duration each time the contraction hits.sometimes it's 10mins,sometimes it's 5mins...dalam hati risau,ni sakit betul ke tak betul?tp kesakitan masih di tahap terkawal..lama juga emirr temankan layan contraction, but i asked him to get some sleep coz he's working the next day(if i'm not in labour yet).at around 3am. the pain was unbearable,so i woke him up and said we need to go to the hospital.at 330am, woke the maid and asked her to accompany rayyan. hosp bag was already in the car, but there's some things that i forgot to add in,so i asked emirr to put all the things together.. air selusuh tu, sapu2 masa dlm keta(sempat sapu 2kali jer, tak luak pon). sampai hosp pkl 350am...
sampai kat reception desk tu, hand over buku merah and nurse tanya tanda2 nak bersalin, i said contraction jer... dia kata, masa tu katil dah penuh,cuma tinggal satu jer, itu pon katil single(means satu bilik satu katil). dia tanya,nak ke? i said, kenapa pulak? dia kata, mahal sket dpd katil biasa...i said, ok la..xkesah..(dlm hati kata,nak suh aku gi mana lagi dah sakit2 camni)... dia check sume2, contraction mmg ada,tp contraction besar masih 10mins sekali..n bukaan pon baru 2cm..pastu sorang doc lelaki masuk,check... oleh sbb bukaan baru 2cm dia mcm xnk bg admit ... tp nurse yg baik hati tu kata, takpela..pagi2 gelap lak tu,kasi jer laa...lps nih kalau ada yg dtg baru kita suh refer hosp lain... seb baik sgt ada nurse tu... lps tu dlm pkl 5pagi, kami dimasukkan ke wad 2A bilik no.28... mmg ada privacy la bilik tu(utk hosp kerajaan).. ada tv, private bathroom and nice niew.. masa rayyan dulu, share 6 katil satu bilik..tv pon tarak..rayyan pulak dok melalak sepanjang malam..mmg dugaan sungguh...
dr pkl 5pagi tu emirr was by my side... dia dah segar sbb dia sempat tido kejap..me yg tak dpt nk tido lgsg terus berperang dgn contraction.nurse masuk once in a while utk check contraction... mommy masih bertahan sbb rasanyer masa rayyan macam horror lagi contraction sampai kena guna gas nk tahan sakit..tak igt pkl baper,nurse masuk tanya camne contraction, i said dah makin kuat...sambil mengerang tahan sakit..i think at around 750am, i was admitted to bilik rawatan utk check bukaan..sekali doc check sudah 8cm.. diri sendiri pon terkejut..8cm?? mcm ajaib jer... tak sempat guna gas nk tahan sakit..dah bukak 8cm..lps tu,everything jadik huru hara..nurse2 sume bergegas pindahkan mommy dlm strecther and derang lari sorong mommy...kejap terasa cam dlm drama pulak...mommy terus dibawa ke dewan bersalin..if i'm not mistaken sampai dewan bersalin tu pkl 8pg camtu kot..derang prepare everthing...me menahan kesakitan sambil wondering bila derang nk bg ubat tahan sakit nih? tp xbg2 jugak... sampai satu masa tu terasa contraction diiringi rasa nk meneran yg tak dapat ditahan... baru terfikir,owh inilah yg derang kata rasa meneran mcm nak membuang tu...hehehe,masa rayyan xrasa pulak.sbb tu bervakum bagai... back to the story, i didn't realize at that time that emirr was right beside me, until he wishpered into my ears while holding tight my hand saying,"awak boleh buat! sikit jer lagi"...huhuh.. the urge to push came again and the nurse asked me to push.i pushed with all my will... the prob is, i can't put my butt down.. nurse kata,kalau angkat punggung nnti koyak banyak... ok nurse, i can digest that information amidst the pain but i just can't seem to control my body... punggung tu macam otomatik angkat sendiri everytime i pushed.kalau la ada org boleh make sure dia tak terangkat,or any sorts of tools that can make it sit tide.ok nonsence! tp itulah yg terjadi... alhamdulillah, rifqi keluar masa teran kali ke-3.jam 8:28pg(approximately 15mins after i started meneran) teran kali ke-2 kepala dia ter'stuck' kejap menyebabkan ada bengkak sket di kepala,tp doc kata nnti lama2 akan hilang...
selepas jer rifqi keluar, doc potong tali pusat n terus letak dia atas perut mommy.another different experience compared to rayyan which i get to hold only an hour after delivery.badan rifqi diselaputi lendir n warnanya biru... lama jugak rifqi atas perut mommy sementara doc bersihkan kat bawah tu...lps tu,nurse amek rifqi utk dibersihkan... rifqi nangis kejap jer,lps tu terus tido...sama mcm rayyan dulu...alhamdulillah, one thing is over!
the next horror thing came... ok, budak2 kecik,yg belum kawen atau yg takut cerita seram..baik jgn baca..hehehe.. the worse part was nak jahit balik 'jalan' keluar adek... why did i said worse part? because doc kata mommy koyak byk... sbb angkat punggung tu laa..masa tu redha jer la,sbb rifqi dah selamat keluar n i just put in mind that after this is over, i get to hold rifqi.fyi, the 'sewing back' process took about 1hour.. lagi lama dpd meneran nk keluarkan bb..they gave me bius beforehand.n the worst part of it was, there's a part where they cannot inject the bius and i have to bear the pain naturally... Ya Allah,tuhan sajer tahu..emirr was not there when the start mending me but there are few interns watching me being 'sew up'. one of the intern(whom i assume is gonna be a doc) hold my hand all thru the process.. i grasp her hand very tight that i thot i might hurt her.. but she kept motivates me... ok, i like her and i don't mind her interview me after this...she's nice! ...
i thanked the nice doc-to-be...and apologize for hurting her...heheh..i was left rested in the labour room with emir n rifqi.. we were there,waiting for the doc to check on my stiches an hour later but the doc doesn't seem to show... we heard all the dramas outside the labour room... a twins were born(sorang berat 2.4kg, sorang lagi 1.8kg).another drama,sorang indon yg refuse utk 'kareb' di atas katil bedah sbb segan while the doc n nurses nasihatkan dia supaya 'kareb' jer...it's normal... indon tu insist on going to the toilet tp nurse kata nanti terberanak dlm toilet...and many other dramas laa...
lama jugak la kami tunggu kat bilik bersalin tu...sampai mommy missed lunch. daddy keluar belikan pau(teringin nk makan pau kacang merah).. nurse bg air milo. doktor semua sibuk dgn kes twins tu n indon tu jugak.kami spent masa amek gmbr rifqi,post kat fb terus... hehehe... mommy sempat jugak tertido jap kat situ..dlm stgh jam camtu..yerlah,xtido mlm... naseb baik mkn dinner mlm tu.around 3pm baru lah ada doktor dtg check mommy..seram woo!! harap2 semua ok,xnk lalui buat kali ke-2..ngeri!! doc kata boleh masuk wad dah..yeayy!! pkl 4pm masuk wad n baru la dpt mkn...giller laparr..mlm tu dinner mommy dijamu ikan masak asam pedas pekat n sayur petola n kailan goreng..sedap!! daddy balik rumah, n dtg balik seledup rayyan masuk wad(budak bwh 12thn xleh masuk wad datte)... tp rayyan dgn mulut becok n suaranya yg nyaring buat bising.. sabar jer la budak ni... pastu around 830pm camtu,daddy pon balik rumah dgn rayyan..tinggallah mommy dgn rifqi...our 1st nite together..rifqi was being such a good boy. mommy tdo dgn rifqi side by side pkl 3pagi sampai la 6pagi...cukup laa...dpt jugak rehat without him meragam.
pagi tu igtkan boleh la keluar awal... tp doc tahan sbb nk monitor kepala rifqi..ada bengkak sket. bekfas meehun goreng,lunch nasi lauk daging masak kari(kot), sayur kobis..semua mommy ngapp! lps lunch doc check both of us and we're free to go.. oh! fyi, hospital fee was free!! hihihi... dah la dpt bilik bes, dpt free lagik... masa rayyan dulu kena rm18... :D
sampai rumah pkl 5ptg camtu..rayyan was so excited! siap kenalkan rifqi kat maid... the way he pronounce rifqi sounds like 'riki'.. kawaiii..
so, that's the story about my 2nd experience bringing another life into this world...pengalaman bersalin kali nih berbeza drpd yg pertama sbb kali nih i didn't take any medication to help me deal with the contractions pain.. agaknyer mcm tu la org bersalin kat kampung2 kan? mommy siap cakap kat daddy, can we make this the last one? takut laa... daddy said, lps ni kita gi private hosp pulak laa nak? hmmm, mcm la kalau gi private bleh kurangkan sakitnyer...huhuhu... baru2 lps bersalin nih ckp la serik, nnti dah tgk bb besar, mula nk menambah lagi... apatah lagi blom ada princess kan?? hik3
anyway, it was one different experience and also rewarding at the same time. now i have two heroes side by side... nice!
2hours after delivery
cukup usia rifqi satu hari
what a bliss!
the same look like rayyan's
rifqi kena bedung
both my heroes