with the cloudy weather and after receiving some comments on my teaching
(no worries,all of those are positive comments), i can't help but feel melancholic this evening.why?? cos i'm sooo tired and i need more rest.semalam marathon 5rumah terbuka, 3 jer sempat pergi..huhuh..
bad weather+critics+preggy hormones+no appetite=stress!
unfortunately, this week is 'kengaku syu'=minggu melawat kelas.so basically, any teacher can visit any other teacher's class to... well, visit.and of course, bukan semata2 visit laa..ada sikit puji2an diselangi sedikit cara pembaikan dr mata org yg melihat.i hate this week the most.tak senang hati bila ada org lain yg sedang judge kita(kita perasan dia judge kita) duduk kat belakang... agaknyer, mcm tu la perasaan cikgu2 kita dulu kan..hehehhe.thank God esok xde kelas and this week there's only another grammar to teach.other than that, vocabulary..boleh la ckp2 dlm BM. bukan senang nk jadi cikgu bahasa jepun nih, byk yg kena belajar...tiap2 hari before masuk kelas, sensei punyer yosyu(persediaan) rasanyer lagi dahsyat dr jadi student dulu2. mungkin sbb sendiri takde background bahasa yg kuat.dulu pon belajar pasal letrik,pastu keje ajar bahasa jepun. kan jauh menyimpangnyer tu..before class, nak kena semak maksud grammar.nak kena cari maksud bm yg terdekat, nk buat contoh ayat, nak agak apa bentuk kesalahan dlm grammar tu yg student maybe buat, bila masuk kelas, suruh student wat ayat nk kena decide ayat tu ok tak ok... yerla,kita bukan native speaker so bukan main boleh belasah jer... lagi la skg nih dah masuk peringkat intermediate,lg susah2 grammar nyer..hmmm... bila pk2, mana ada keje xde cabaran.jadi surirumah pon mencabar jugak kan?(soalan utk para surirumah tangga sepenuh masa :D )
lepas mendengar segala kritik...berkongsi idea.. i feel ok..i should be ok..bukan apa sgt pon.no big deal laa..tp yours truly nih mmg sensitip tak bertempat kadang2...rasa down kejap...rasa diri kurang berusaha.. padan muka sendiri... tp bak kata kobayashi sensei, xde sensei yg perfect.xde cara yg betul atau salah dalam mengajar... tp kita belajar dr kesilapan dan juga dr student sendiri... lega sikit dgr ayat2 dia.suka sgt kobayashi sensei ni,senang di bawa berbincang. cara dia ckp pon tak menyakitkan hati.seronok dpt satu blok dgn dia. korekara watashi motto gambaru wa!! yoshhh!!!
sambil2 layan blues tu buka email,dpt email dr zura suruh ibu2 bapak2 tgk...diri ni pon rasa rajin nk tgk... buat alih fikiran nih kat benda lain... turns out i cried! hahahah.. but don't worry, i cried for a good reason... the tears i shed made me feel good instead of sedey tak bertempat. thanks zura! and i think other mothers out there should see this too... especially thoses pregnant friends of mine. the music and lyrics really suits the video... bila2 rasa stress, unhappy boleh la layan video nih.. at least, we know we're doing a good deed for a noble reason in our life eventhough sometimes we fail to please others in some other things we do... we're not perfect but we're brave enough to face this 9months journey and the more challenging journey years ahead. once we conceived we vowed to do our best... aren't we lucky to be a women?
dah pukul 7mlm masih di ofis dan rasa maallasss nk drive balik,terbang boleh?? okay, i can be a superwoman maybe, but not "superman"!! hahaha.lawak maghrib..terasa diri xsesuai buat lawak sbb tak kelakar...