Budak Tomot makan kek

Class Party @ AAJ,UM with Morita Sensei & Atsumi Sensei
cupcakes from Shilascupcakes
The Presents

kereta tomey yang ada muzik2 tu from Dr Zoraida & Opie.Rayyan suka bebenor kereta tu..siap joget2 lagi.he enjoys pushing the car around the house..heheh..
Tiger & Lion from Tok Pa Idrus & Tok Ma Fazian sudah siap di'wrestling' dan didera Rayyan..hehehe
Kura-kura from Auntie Fuza udah dibawa masuk ofura..lemas dah kura2 tu..seb baik kura2 ru pandai berenang..hihihi
kemeja kiut mickey mouse from Auntie KB mommy simpan buat raya nnti! mekaceh..
tak lupa,mekaceh utk auncle Yoi sbb tlg amekkan cupcakes Rayyan...
a special gratitude and thanx to all my kind-hearted collegues who's willing to spare some time sharing this moment with me... i'm touched! love you all
TODAY . . .

maka berakhirlah riwayat laptop ku... ayangg,mahu laptop baru!!