Mai Mothers
A Mother Who Brought Me To This World
"Selamat Hari Ibu..semoga dipanjangkan umur dan dimurahkan rezeki"
itulah sms ringkasku sempena hari ibu kepada ibu yang melahirkanku...ringkas agar nampak bersahaja tanpa meletakkan apa2 perasaan lain dari apa yg aku maksudkan...
kemudian aku menerima balasan sms...berbunyi:
"Terima kasih kerana igt mak..mungkin mak bukan contoh ibu yang baik,namun doa mak sentiasa tuk anak2 mak..Jadilah ibu sejati tuk anak2 ya...t.q.. n ampunkan salah silap mak selama ini.. Salam sayang tuk cucu mak,Rayyan .. n ayahnya"
tersenyum aku sebentar... rasa bahagia... felt really blessed.. why?? bcoz i'm glad that i didn't hate her or even worse make her hate me... bcoz we've had an argument before that i'm afraid will be the end of everything between me and her..
now,on Mother's Day.. i got the chance to wish her for the 1st time in my life & it feels good to know she appreciate it...
i just wanted her to know that i still love her as my biological mother,a woman who pull through a hard times having me those days.. even when she had to give me up after all the circumstances which i barely knew... i still respect her!
it's a lie .. i know to say i never had that "why??why??why??" questions and judgements towards her by her actions giving me away when she can raise my older brother, younger sister n lil brother.. but not me
well, i chose not to care.. i chose to trust it's for the best and i'm glad, that action of her makes me dis "me" u all know today..(i might turn out worse if i stay..hehehe)
so,there you go mother... i didn't blame you and there's no reason to say sorry when u know it's for the best.. i know!
A Mother Who Raise Me thru Ups & Downs
last year when i wished her Happy Mother's Day..she just laughed.. i know why..
because we never celebrated mother's day during my childhood.i never heard my sisters nor my brothers wished her anyhing during this day and even her birthday..
that's why,when we do the something we never do..the 1st time will feel weird. this year my sister said that my brothers bought mom a Mother's Day cake..and i was like,"what??" huhuh..again the extraordinary thing.. but,i'm glad they started it and so next year we can make it better... and of course my mom was happy
this mother of mine is 71years old and yet she's still strong and i pray for her healthiness and sisters were also like mothers to me(because my biological mother was around their age..).my 1st sister was really like a mother..she hears everything i have to say.... she treated me like a daughter to her...she knew all my frens & secrets and she kept tracks of my studies...
now i pray to Lord to put her among the ones He love and take care of her soul.. may she rest in peace...ameen~
my 2nd sister got married early and live separately from us when i was 4..
my 3rd sister,she got married when i finished high school...she refused to be married unless i'm stable.she supported me financially partly with my mom..she bought me my uniforms,clothes,accessories...infact mom only gave me money for school and books.the others were supported by my 3rd sister...
after i furthered my studies in KL and Japan..i'm glad that i didn't burden them financially anymore for i had my scholarship.i really can't express how i appreciate what they have done to me.
Now that i'm independent, they never questioned me about my ambitions and my future..they just let me lead my life accordingly.. it's time for me to repay them when of course the whole world can never be equally enough... i just hope i'll be given enough time and strength to give them back the happiness they grew in me...
A Mother Who Trust Me With Her Son
that'll sure be my Mother in Law..the best one i ever knew.. she's so understanding and open minded.. i didn't feel like a stranger when i'm with her or feel like i don't fit in... she's caring and easy to talk to.. we share many're the same size),clothes,accessories,stories.. i learn so much from her.she's so independent and thing amaze me the most is she's always genki(fresh and energetic).. i love her.. and i thank her for raising the one man i love the most,my husband... and thank you for understanding me and being my mentor...
if you've been reading this..i think you'll notice that.. i've been 'saved' and raised by womens...superb womens i must say...
and i wish to be 1 someday...
thank you Moms!!