hello my dear baby..i missed you sooo much..i miss seeing u in the scan screen..but,u always entertain me by kicking from inside..i love it..makes me smile...
so,this is the picture from the last check up we did in Japan..i can't recognise which part is which in the 2nd pic..but thanx to Takeuchi sensei yg rajin amek gmbr scan byk2 masa last check up..
bila sampai sini,mula2 mommy nk wat check up kat one of the private hosp in town but then,bila pk2 balik..since kita berdua sehat alhamdulillah..xde prob...doc hosp kata klinik2 biasa dah ok..so,mommy ajak daddy gi klinik sakit puan and mengandung kat putra permai..dekat dgn where we're living.naik keta xsampai 10min dah sampai..utk bersalin pulak,kitorang booking kat hosp putrajaya...after nanny wat some calls to some of her frens for recomendations of which hosp is good and treat well during labour...we decided to go for hosp Putrajaya..dekat pon dekat..half government half private..i hope they treat me well..as this is my first time..i start thinking of all the negative things i've heard about government hosp treat towards pregnant ladies in labour...cuak gak..mommy doa semoga semuanya ok..and mommy dapat deliver baby normally,amin.
and this last pic is the pic taken from the clinic..Klinik Dr.Jameaton..you have grown..and during the scan we can clearly see ur sex .. alhamdulillah..

can't wait to see you in person...ummuuahhxx!